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That needs death with nuclear fire
Calls Kim
3 hours later…
curious choice for tags
Q: Is this protectiveness a sign of feeling threatened/afraid, or is this video just normal/cute?

MehrdadI saw this video recently in which a golden retriever was trying to prevent a human from taking or touching its puppy. Some are saying this is normal and cute (wagging tail and such), while others say this is actually very abnormal and a sign that the dog is threatened, likely because this is the...

2 hours later…
@Henders It's looking quite established
@RichieACC Yeah, the two bushes against the shed should really fill out next year. They didn't get much sun before it was autumn. I'm hoping the fern will grow to overhang the edge of the pond.
I has snail eggs :D
Q: Bearded dragon skin discolouration

Alice Prentice Can anyone tell me what these discoloured patches are on my adult bearded dragon. She is not shedding. Thanks.

@RichieACC ooo they're bigger than I thought!
How do you look after snail eggs?
From what I can tell, the most important thing is to keep them moist. I've taken as many as I could find out of the parents' pen. The parents may eat the young. There are over a hundred eggs. I'm guessing. I didn't count. I will count my snails after they hatch :p
Good plan :p
2 hours later…
Q: Can dogs really die if they eat too much chocolate?

Amna RajpootCan dogs really die if they eat too much chocolate? Is there a scientific reason why puppies do that head tilt thing?

7 hours later…
Q: Black dots on my Crowntail Betta

Andrea MontealtoI just bought Jill - my crowntail betta less than 2 days ago and he already had the black spots. I don't know if its normal. Can you please let me know if there's some kind of problem here? Please see picture

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