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Q: What's the name an air-valve that automatically closes for a set period of time to allow air to pass down the line to other valves?

D00k13H0w1tzerI hope the title makes sense. Essentially what I need is to use a single air pump to aerate multiple small tanks. To do that I can't have the first few valve/air-stones in the entire line use up all the air. Is there a type of non-electronic valve that automatically closes and stays closed for...

4 hours later…
1 hour later…
@YvetteColomb Looking a bit horse. ducks
@YvetteColomb "Why the long face?" :D
@Henders Say neigh to puns!
Say 'Hay!' to puns :P
3 hours later…
@Magisch LOL
an oldie but a goodie
3 hours later…
Q: Why Does My Cat

M.MatBeing a cat owner for many decades and knowing much about these enigmatic creatures, my new rescue kitten (about a year old), has the strangest behavior: After eating, he scratches the floor, multiple times, from different directions; exactly like he’s covering waste in his litter box. Any ideas ...

1 hour later…
Q: How can I keep my 3 month old leopard gecko warm

MeganI have a baby leopard gecko but my heat lamp just broke and I will have no money for a new one for about a week or two how can I keep her warm until then?? Is a floor vent heater okay? I’m panicking about this because I do not want her to pass away. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you

3 hours later…
Saw this on reddit:
That's just adorable
1 hour later…
Q: Impulsive and habitual hump in a GSD bitch, what could it be?

UIOBackground My 7 month old GSD (German Shepherd Dog) bitch seems to have developed what looks like a habitual and impulsive hump after cleaning herself. Instantly or even during when cleaning her nether regions she starts to hump while sitting or laying (how ever she was cleaning herself). She ...

Bit of pond maintenance ^

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