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@lyxal [pacman] just make a version called Pracxal and have it be the prac-lang version
[pacman] wait whats planned in v4
3 hours ago, by lyxal
Also, Vyxal 5, not 4
[pacman] yeah what is Vyxal 4
Vyxal 4.x is for joke extremely serious releases
[pacman] ah
[pacman] is it just the readme
Didn't you read it?
[pacman] yeah
[pacman] the bug free ones
So why would there be anything else?
[noodle man jacob] Forwarded in the discord:
> you hate vyxal because its cheesy. i hate vyxal because i think computers should never have learned to walk, let alone crawl. we are not the same
6 hours later…
[lyxal ♦️] Cheesy? Please, I think you'll find vyxal is dairy free
2 hours later…
@Themoonisacheese I have been running for 16:23:39.463193!
@Themoonisacheese I am doing various activities to pass time and make you feel like I'm not just sitting here doing nothing.
@lyxal I am taking my fence down. It's fun being a police informant.
4 hours later…
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Unignore ignored tests because they've been updated
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Fix the arity of _ in the description
@Bridget fixed
I think that's more of an accidental oversight than something intentional
esp. since it was already considered a monad in implementation:
"_" ->
      direct(Monad) {
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
@lyxal I'm going out for a bit. Need anything?
Milk, 3 cartons of eggs, a sandwich, nuclear explosives, another sandwich, spider repellent, spider attractant, and a stick
gonna add some quick function overloads for things like "collect until no change"
and "first integer where"
pfft I almost changed arity = 1 into arity = 21 instead of arity = 2
the thought of something needing 21 arguments is rather amusing :p
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: First index where function is true
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Merge branch 'v3-new-3.5-ideas' of github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal into v3-new-3.5-ideas
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Revert "First index where function is true"
silly me I already implemented that :p
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add a lot of cool function things
tomorrow (today's day time) will be writing readme
I think I'm happy with the implementation stuff
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
2 hours later…
@Ginger I am doing a nuclear strike on your location. Prepare for radiation in 3, 2, 1...
[user] RIP Ginger
@Themoonisacheese I am trying out Rabbit. It's pretty neat, in my unbiased opinion.
[the cat] what a throwback
[the cat] remember when rabbit
[user] Vaguely
[user] Was it good?
[the cat] no, but at the time I thought it was The Shit
[the cat] it wasn't really
[the cat] I still have the dregs of an interpreter somewhere
@Bridget [user] Ah yes, I too sometimes mistakenly throw in a "The" when evaluating my projects
[the cat] so true
i think there's more where that came from
chances of getting one is slim but never zero
@Themoonisacheese I am picking up what you're putting down.
i'd rather you never give me up but ok
@lyxal maybe also renaming the "v3-new-3.5-ideas" branch so something like "v3.5"?
[the cat] I already asked him to do that and he refused
@Themoonisacheese I am getting a bottle of milk. No clue if I want it low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light, skim, omega-3, high calcium with vitamin D and folate or extra dollop.
one day one of these will be one i wrote
see you monday have a good weekend
[the cat] lol
5 hours later…
@Bridget because it was still indev
Ofc it's getting renamed upon release
2 hours later…
I went searching for uiua because I wanted to view how other programming languages do their readmes. I typed ui and one of firefox's search suggestions was "apple suicide nets"
I forgot I looked that up once lol because of a youtube short :p

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