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What names would y'all recommend for lhs and rhs in the documentation?
2 hours later…
[angel] fly me to the moon Untitled1071_20241020011924.png
Oct 24 at 22:51, by Bridget
[user] Honedtly? Id teally like us to stop using a and b
(the context)
[pacman] L and R
[pacman] or 1,2,3
[pacman] actually 1,2,3... would allow for multiple input positions
[pacman] and can be read left to right
That would lead to the docs for + being 1 + 2
which is a little confusing
and what about when I need to reference a literal number 1
$1,$2,$3... could work though
[pacman] I think A B C would be fine then
[pacman] oh
[pacman] yeah $1 is good
[pacman] or how TeX does it, #1 #2 #3
I've changed the new docs to use lhs/rhs for now, awaiting input on #1/#2/#...
(it's easy to s/lhs/#1 as needed)
(as compared to the template type thing I was working on)
7 hours later…
#1, #2 works for me, i'd like the docs to show usage even if it's always rpn too
so like the doocs would say #1#2+ : add #1 and #2
(especially since i trhink what i jsut typed is wrong and i got them swapped around ?)
seems right to me
#1#2 op : #1 op #2
I believe

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