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back on the theseus grind
you thought I was done?
@lyxal updated release notes when
for the three people that read them
2 hours later…
bracket matching is almost done
I wonder what other qol things I could add to the editor
hey lyxal what other qol things could I add to the editor :p
clicking a codepage item adds it to the edior
more specifically the last foucsed tab
oh right that
and mobile
additioanlyl, an option to disable timeout altogether
@lyxal it occurs to me that we might want to move the timeout controls into the flags dialog
since it's the only thing in settings that doesn't control the behavior of the interpreter
I think it's fine in settings
because it's not actually a flag
I love it when gitignore doesn't interpret paths as absolute by default
6 hours later…
@lyxal done
fixed a few other bugs too; search should work a lot better now, for one
also (most) syntax elements now have tooltips
@Ginger how does the website get its output?
Does it gradually build it or does it try and convert whatever was at the top of the stack?
@lyxal idk, my code isn't what's calling printFunc :p
So you didn't change any js api stuff?
(trying to see if there's any reason infinite lists seem to be hanging)
I did not
it's probably the worker sendMessage issue
No, it's not :(
Something is unfortunately not lazy under the hood
That shouldn't hang
Because if it were lazy, it'd just print the 4
hey uh are you aware that native and JAR assets appear to no longer be being built
the last release that had them was 3.4.1
@Ginger yeah
something funky has happened with native for macos
we didn't need it anyway
Aug 7 at 14:04, by lyxal
I sure love when scala native doesn't build for macos
@lyxal clicking this link maxes out my PC fans, so it's definitely doing something :p
the thP is all the primes in the world
the map for some strange reason is forcing evaluation it seems
Parsing exception Position 1:9, found "\\Vyxal\\mil"
uh, what
thanks mill
guess I have to use cmd
@lyxal and now this works
how silly
lol what
are you saying it works offline?
no, I opened the link (to copy it for offline testing) and it worked
this is very disturbing
I pushed a change that I was going to see if it worked
but it caused jvm and native tests to fail
but it made the link work
I do not like this
I will look into this later today when I do not have a uni assignment to submit :p
I have reverted the commit to not break things
but this suggests that zipWithIndex is forcing evaluation
@user as far as you know, does zipWithIndex force evaluation?

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