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@emanresuA there was no place to put it given the layout
Sep 4 at 0:23, by Ginger
@lyxal problem is, this new design doesn't really leave space for inputs
... below footer? or below terminal?
Cc @Ginger
@emanresuA these cause problems on mober
best I can do is only enable the dialog on mober and display them under the terminal on desktop
7 hours later…
@Ginger mober needs a lot more custom support anyway
Honestly I prefer having a codepage, at least on mobile
And also due to some weird selection box stuff you can't easily select those codepage elements
I'm not saying it's impossible to have a good mobile golfing UX, but it needs a lot more thought than "the codemirror stuff sort of works and stuff resizes properly" - and frankly I prefer the mobile v2 interpreter to this
the problem with the old ui on mobile is that hovering over stuff to know what it does is really awkward
Agreed, but the new one's worse in that you can't even type anything in without resorting to autocomplete
3 hours later…
CMQ: Is gcd([]) 0 or 1? v3 currently does 0, v2 crashes and I'm trying to fix that
Also uh what
@emanresuA it works well enough rn, but yeah
it's just hard to get this stuff right
I think we would be better off making a mobile version of the site
@emanresuA 0
the way to remember it is that GCD is an extension of Or to integers (or reals if you want), and the identity element of Or is 0 and therefore the identity element of GCD is also 0
@lyxal how would a dedicated mobile version look? I would be able to do pretty much anything since it wouldn't have to be responsive
I might actually bake it into latest.html and mount a different root component depending on screen size
@Ginger good question
@RubenVerg investigating
gonna have to redo the isList function
@lyxal do you have an answer?
I would have thought by now it was clear I don't do web design very well
fortunately for you, I'm... okay at it!
what I'm asking you is more "how would you like Vyxal to work on mobile"
mobile is harder because you can do less with a finger than a mouse
but you can tap almost anywhere on the screen a lot more easily
Definitely an on-screen keyboard
so maybe a codepoint grid as a virtual keyboard of sorts? idk if browsers let you detect long-taps, but those could show info about the element
they do
long tap is how you show hover on v2
long tap + hold that is
problem is, we have 256 codepoints and I already know that a legible 16x16 grid doesn't really fit on a phone
also: where would the terminal go :p
scrolled down the page :p
it occurs to me that some characters get less use than others
@lyxal however in v2 after you release the long tap it enters the glyph your finger is on
yeah that's annoying, but it shows something is possible
oh yeah definitely
I am bad at mockups, so I'll just describe what I have in mind:
- same header bar at the top
- a single CM instance with header/code/footer tabs, and autocomplete turned off
- big grid of codepoints; tapping one enters it and long-tapping it opens a popup with its info card
- one screen height below that, the terminal and inputs; hitting run automatically scrolls down to the bottom
the page would be exactly twice the height of the screen
if I weren't fixing a sorta major bug rn I'd be able to focus better :p
oh, speaking of
something is extremely broken in theseus's permalink loader
A: Sith TIE-Fighter

pacman256Vyxal 3 j, 71 bytes "ᵇḟ}₇Ḟ≠[ḃṖᵉṖΩḂΦᴿ-^4ϩṙḂṖ=q₂$↑=TỌ₂⊻¥∥»ΦB1Ṛ⌐ɾḄᵏᵂᵞ↑Ḟ¿uȦ₈≤“12ykD"[=])+("⊻i6÷ Try it Online! Similar compression trick, but the lines constant and some compression advantages save a few bytes

oh wait. I think I know what it is
that permalink has the legacy format, I suspect that the translator is butchering it
fun fact: legacy permalink hashes always start with Wy and new ones always start with JT
@lyxal why'd you use escape in the legacy one smh
it's been deprecated for ages, but now it's breaking things because I didn't use it :p
7 mins ago, by lyxal
if I weren't fixing a sorta major bug rn I'd be able to focus better :p
currently, nested lists do not evaluate properly
which is, well, not what you want when lists are a key input
22 mins ago, by lyxal
gonna have to redo the isList function
that's what the fix is
hold off on releasing it, this is a pretty major bug in theseus and I don't want it to get burned into the archived copy
but it requires actually writing a decent "is this string a list" function
okay WHAT was going on with legacy permalinks
I have to find a polyfill for escape lmao
blame hyper not me
@hyper-neutrino :stare:
where do you think I stole permalinking code from?
she will answer for this
I'm currently writing my own escape() as specified in the standard
okay, done and fixed (I think)
@Ginger I'll get a start on implementing this later I think
done a lot of web development these last few weeks
also @emanresuA what do you think about that plan
@Ginger am I right to release bug fix?
yep, I fixed the thing
hopefully nothing explodes
mfw I can't remember whether I update version before or after release
(in the interpreter)
I'll go with after
@RubenVerg bug no more
I think I need to fix the version list :p
@Ginger whar
fairly certain I stole permalinking generation from vyxapedia
we should link the discord on the index page I think
how do server widgets work...
server widgets?
<iframe src="https://discord.com/widget?id=936437703048822844&theme=dark" width="350" height="500" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" sandbox="allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts"></iframe> this
either we put that somewhere in the page or we write our own with the API
could replace the Community link with a GH link or something and have a Community section on the page
isn't it laready a GH linl?
oh wait yeah it is
could add a Discord link to the header and include an online count
no need to get too fancyh :P
(about the online count) :p
is joke
how's this
might remove the "online"
what if:
but sized properly and with good font
to me that looks like I have 21 messages
not that there are 21 people online
maybe with a person icon?
having it at the top feels weird
Make it green
To symbolise online
Like how green circle is online status indicator on things like discord, Microsoft teams, zoom, who knows what else
That's why I used green in the paint edit lol
Intentional colour coding
I did
hang on
Could be moved up a tad
moving it up looks weird on the page imo
I kinda like it
More than just to the right
I'm going to see if I can get the html bundler to let me do templating
Anyhow bed is time here
so I'm not copying the entire header bar
@lyxal ping for when you wake up: assuming squarespace isn't lying we could get vyxal.net for US$4/yr
2 hours later…
@Ginger this works, except for some reason it resolves script imports relative to the file which imported the template, not the template itself
do I care enough to open an issue...
Do it. It's dumb
gotta love webpack plugins
it happens to work for us because of how I laid out the site, but still :p
time to make a MRE I guess
@lyxal could make it an icon?
why is discord inconsistently sending CORS headers for the widget API
trying to figure out how to bake highlighting on the index page at compile-time
it is proving to be nontrivial
1 hour later…
> This is not a bug, this is the feature. I know, this can be confusing.
@Ginger Sounds good! Be aware that you might have to go through quite a bit of OS-specific jank to get the long tap stuff properly working
I'm sure it'll be fiiiiiiine
By "popup" I assume you mean modal dialog? If you're not already planning to, you could maybe keep the thing from the v2 interpreter where you can click on any digraph version of an element, or the element itself, to add that to the codebox
These buttons
Also uh... you might have to make the modal dialog scrollable, idk if there's anything in v3 with five digraph variations but there's probably some long stuff
that can be done
2 hours later…
@Ginger the domain vyx.al is what I'd get if I ever got a domain
Y'know I could actually contribute to v3 for once and fix this

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