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The only cases where you have a mixed list of lists and scalars is ragged list stuff and I can't think of any reason why you'd want to search in that
and worst case we can always have a digraph retaining the old behaviour
there's already an "escape hatchet" modifier to disable depth/type switching
(this will require refactoring of how things are implemented, apologies to user)
Ah neat
8 hours later…
@Ginger But there is something unique too!
"Hello, world!" is sugar syntax for "(Hello, world!").
And infact "Hello, world!" "Hey again!" "hi!" translates to "(Hello, world!)"(Hey again!)"(hi!").
3 hours later…
@lyxal good morning
archiving works with theseus now
nice :+1:
finally it's done lmao
"it'll only take me two weeks or so" (it took her a year)
but the reviews on discord were positive
and I think I've made a pretty solid product
I found a weird bug with inputs
I think the website is swapping them?
for an example of what I mean
@Ginger ^ you'll see what I mean at the link
that's a weird one ngl
I might've gotten the input list backwards?
ah yep, reversed it when I moved them into a dialog
but now this happens
seems fine to me?
do me a favor and open an issue on gh
did you see the problem at the link?
it's pretty self explanatory
no, that's why I'm asking you to open an issue
because it looks okay to me
maybe your browser is using a cached version of the site
it's not
I have caching turned off
have you pulled changes from main?
do you remember how pages deployment works??
latest.html is the bleeding-edge code
tell me what you see in the output box when visiting the link I provided
nothing? which is what's supposed to happen, right?
what browser do you use?
chrome latest, but that shouldn't matter
the interpreter behaves the same on every browser that isn't, like, IE
@RubenVerg what output does vyxal.github.io/… give?
@Ginger how's the HTML tab supposed to work?
not seeing any header there
@lyxal it renders printed output as HTML
...maybe I broke it
(actual bug this time)
I also fixed your duplication of the funny code :p
that was intentional
it's supposed to do it upon program execution
not when entered into the code box
me when
I think my version is funnier
doesn't have the same bait and switch of other users
@emanresuA forgot, normal index in v3 is already vectorised index
@lyxal an error when opening the link, funny link if I manually click Run
good :p
(guessing you didn't need that anymore)
get epicly trolled :p
ah shit autorun
gotta turn that off
why would you turn it off?
@lyxal I turned it off for the funny specifically
the point is that it'd redirect for extra funny
so no error
temporarily display error, but redirect on auto-run
you're sending me mixed signals here
on the v2 site, when the funny program is executed, it redirects
programs are executed when the link is loaded
therefore, redirect when the link is loaded
I think that icon is going to make things less clear
I chose the ones I did for a reason :p
? is already the input symbol
oh hey spevacus
what brings you round to this goofy ahh corner of SE chat? :p
Just saw it was a recently-bumped room in the room listings. Figured I'd see what it was about.
clearly it was the allure of the New Vyxal 3 Web Interpreter™
@Spevacus making unicode garble into runnable programs
that's what we do here in a very professional manner
100% sensible at all times
Not one iota of insanity? Booooring.
here's an example of what we do: vyxal.github.io/…
Oh man, Zoe would love you guys.
if you want a more serious example of what we do:
## The classic fizzbuzz
100 map<
  n [3, 5] divides?
  "FizzBuzz" halve
  dot-product maximum
} join-on-newlines
it's crazy how much faster the new interpreter is to load
If that's too long, there's this in Vyxal 2 for 9.25 bytes: ƛ35fǑkF½*∑∴
(somehow I never posted vyxal 3 as an answer to fizzbuzz)
wait no that's the wrong question that's why
me when literate mode is broken
₁ƛ₍₃₅kF½*∑∴ in Vyxal 2 for 8.125 bytes
@Ginger you also don't have a button for literate->sbcs
which is a button I use way more than you'd think
right, right
@Spevacus vyxal programs (and much of code golf really) oftentimes looks like something Smokey should detect :p
SD used to get a lot of Code Golf FP. You guys are crazy over there :)
we sure are
mfw I put two incompatible functions on the same thing
(the joke being quotify and nth prime both take a number)
is not a better fit for overlapping pairs than ? the latter to me suggests non-overlapping pairs (both in how the symbol looks like and in the meaning Unicode gives it)
@RubenVerg maybe, but the latter is also the divorce symbol
I'll probably use ⚭ though
exactly, divorce doesn't say "overlapping" to me as much as it does "non overlapping"
it's funny though
and spamton representative
I thought we weren't baking more Deltarune references into the language? :p
@lyxal maybe i shouldn't keep suggesting changes because it's more glyphs for me to do(: but it's kinda fun honestly
at least the easy ones, like the divorce one is copy-paste the jot twice and then copy-paste the minus and rotate it 90 degrees
@RubenVerg well you'll be happy to know I've found that I can drop a glyph or two
I...may have duplicated some functions
when i'll have to do the fountain pen thing i'll cry
one downside of using glyphs that actually make sense is that digraphs will probably make less sense i suppose
like, where does ∆ṡ go
just choose a new glyph
why not?
i thought the latter was circle stile, not capital phi
you can do Θ&Φ& if you want though
as long as you keep them consistent
mfw a long list of overloads pushes a smaller one down
btw @Ginger thanks for doing the new website. It looks much better than anything I could make!
and @RubenVerg for the font (it also looks much better than anything I could make!)
@lyxal my pleasure :D
but @lyxal frick you for adding so many overloads to everything
making me type out way too many things
can you believe that guy
half a thousand, if not more overloads across v2 and v3 I need to consider
@RubenVerg oh yeah, this is irrelevant btw
o already does that when the top of the stack isn't a number
@lyxal thank Adám, dzaima and Adrian Smith for a lot of them
even the new ones, a lot of them are just (somewhat trivial) modifications of ones i didn't make
I updated the codepage
some glyphs have been removed
due to the fact their functions are already an overload elsewhere
1 hour later…
@lyxal it is not clear to me that that button is inputs
3 hours later…
@lyxal Ah, fair enough
@lyxal flexbox!
petition to change ð to and to
Petition to make Vyxal ungolfy
wdym? vyxal is obviously a praclang
Yeah we even have keywords
Literate Vyxal is unironically more readable than normal Bash
1 hour later…
@Ginger it's more clear than the text card that's for sure. The new icon actually reflects the built-in
1 hour later…
@lyxal ffs
@lyxal Just put the inputs alongside the code, I don't need twelve lines of code and I find myself editing inputs just as much as code

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