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lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-the-good-update in Vyxal/Vyxal: Fix number literal tests
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-the-good-update in Vyxal/Vyxal: implement literate mode string vexing
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-the-good-update in Vyxal/Vyxal: Fix comment literate tests
8 hours later…
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-the-good-update in Vyxal/Vyxal: Bugfix lambda literate vexer tests
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-the-good-update in Vyxal/Vyxal: Fix some more lambda litvex tests
seems I forgot to implement lists in both vexers
truly a thing
[bored] vyxal had a keg mode?????
[bored] where did it go
2.4.1 and earlier
not implemented in 2.6
[bored] i thought the keg but better was a joke
[bored] i saw that and went "man this is kind of bs"
it was the original design goal but a) i realised that's a terrible design goal and b) honestly it was annoying to implement
[bored] fair enough
[Ginger] h
[bored] h
9 hours later…
Uh oh
Bots gone
mfw 503s from SE
mfw cloudflare is keeping me from restarting them
@lyxal if you want the bots back, pester Stack to actually fix Cloudflare

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