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[pacmanboss256] i love golfing off 0.375 bytes without changing the program length!
[pacmanboss256] this is definitely a normal and non controversial way of saving bytes
[pacmanboss256] uhhhh bug with transliterate?
[pacmanboss256] works on list but not string?
[pacmanboss256] also, add digraph/modifier/element that applies an element to every item on the stack?
5 hours later…
[RubenVerg] okay I have to say react isn't as bad as I remembered
[RubenVerg] I still don't like it, don't get me wrong, but I definitely don't hate it
[RubenVerg] might look into how Theseus works later
4 hours later…
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-the-good-update in Vyxal/Vyxal: Make the vexer use a stack of string instead of char
> the vexer
yes that's what it's called :p
[that mac] I'm half expecting a varser and a vokenizer
it's a temporary name so as to not conflict with the existing Lexer class
[that mac] ah lol
1 min ago, by Vyxal Bot
for those playing along at home discord
[that mac] we need a #releases channel
[lyxal ♦️] ah
vyxal bot gone?
[lyxal ♦️] good to know that the bot lives on discord (kinda) but not on se chat
@mathscat [lyxal ♦️] making the release broke it
hey @Ginger so like would Tyxal (that API tooling thing) be able to be used for a run command for the bot?
it'd be a nice additional feature to have, doesn't need to support v2
@VyxalBot yay! feels nice to see a bunch of my PRs in this
@lyxal [Ginger] this is on my todo list :p
[Ginger] but it'll have to wait until I finish the Un-Rewrite
@Bridget TypeError: MessageEvent.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'message_owner_stars'
1 hour later…
[user] Shout out to Madeline and pacmanboss, you guys made the bulk of the commits in the last release
[user] Also Alan, even the smallest improvements help
[user] Also scala steward thank yoj for everything you doplease don't kill me or stop servicingVyxal when you become sentient
@Bridget [RubenVerg] it's really nice to be able to contribute to a project that people actually get to use, genuinely love to help as much as i can
[RubenVerg] (though I still think half my PRs are pretty much useless (: )
[user] You never know when some future golfer might need them
@Ginger ?
[user] The SE chat API changed, presumably
no, it just revealed a hitherto unknown facet of its myriad horrors
[user] Ah
3 hours later…
@Bridget [pacmanboss256] :yippee:
@Bridget [AlanTheBagel] thx
[Ginger] theseus in 3.5.0 frfr
[AlanTheBagel] is there support for python-style slices? for example "stuff stuff stuff"[1::2]
I should really start using vyxal 3, I've only posted one answer in it and that was a programming language quiz cop that no one bothered to crack
[AlanTheBagel] what oh
[AlanTheBagel] i tried vyxal 3
[AlanTheBagel] but not literate mode
@emanresuA [that mac] that is so cool
4 hours later…

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