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I am scared of mods but not lyxal
6 hours later…
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v2-fix-bug-with-İ in Vyxal/Vyxal: I don't think it should ever return an empty list
Lyxal created branch v2-fix-bug-with-İ in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal opened pull request #1925 (I don't think İ should ever return an empty list) in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal closed pull request #1925 (I don't think İ should ever return an empty list) in Vyxal/Vyxal
GingerIndustries approved #107 (Bump black from 23.7.0 to 23.9.1) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries merged pull request #107 (Bump black from 23.7.0 to 23.9.1) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/main in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Merge pull request #107 from Vyxal/dependabot/pip/black-23.9.1
GingerIndustries deleted branch dependabot/pip/black-23.9.1 in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/main in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Update messages.toml
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v2-improve-test-case-mode-flag in Vyxal/Vyxal: Greatly improve the workings of the ~ flag
Lyxal created branch v2-improve-test-case-mode-flag in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal opened pull request #1926 (Greatly improve the workings of the ~ flag) in Vyxal/Vyxal
How exactly does "Collect while unique" work?
It applies a function to a value until applying that function gives a result that has already been seem
I thought it may have been broken, but it turns out it has useful behaviour on a code golf challenge that kinda makes sense
Anyhow I'll be off for the night noe
5 hours later…
would an overload that checks if something is equal to zero, regardless of type be possible?
right now logical not doesnt work on the string '0'
or at least change boolify
totally not me reading that last word as "boofily"
@Pacmanboss256 imo the python-type behaviour of boolify is more useful for golfing
it can be used to check if "len(s)>0"
cokie be like
also, what's a "Decision Structure"?
and how do yall keep track of elements that haven't yet been implemented in v3?
3 hours later…

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