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[RubenVerg] "wrap #1 in a singleton list creating a half pair"
[noodle man jacob] Shouldn't it be called Enclose?
[noodle man jacob] Wait no
[noodle man jacob] Enclose is Box
[RubenVerg] fwiw it's Enlist in BQN but I don't like that name
@Bridget [RubenVerg] yeah, which doesn't exist in a list model language
@Bridget [noodle man jacob] I don't mind it, but Singleton is probably better
Apparently the string compressor is capable of putting "s in the output
And also turns newlines into the sublists character
These things need to be fixed
[user] Huh
[user] We already do the following, I'd a thunk it'd filter out `"`:
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: docs: Mention half pair in w description
@Bridget I would have thought so too
Yet I found a counterexample
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
1 hour later…
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Fix string compression
I can see now why other languages might not copy Jelly's SSS for themselves
it is very easy to break if you aren't aware of its nuances and subtleties
like for example "you need to replace the character in your codepage that comes after ~ with a literal newline after decompressing"
[user] lmao what
newlines are mapped to value 95 when compressing, and when decompressing, the value + 32 is used
which is 127 (95 + 32)
codepage[127] == whatever comes after ~
I hadn't changed that :p
And it looks like I never did in the original v3 either
[user] I see, that makes more sense
but like if you don't study the source code and actually experiment with string compression, you wouldn't realise that if you were directly porting
esp. given that the newline replacement thing happens in the parser in Jelly
not in the actual decompress function
[user] Perhaps you should publish an easily-understandable version of it somewhere, then
[user] So others don't have to go through the same thing
@Bridget that implies I fully understand it :p
This is an insight I've only just realised :p
[user] lol
[user] Explaining to others helps you understand too 🧠
  var z1 = dict.keys.size * z + i
  z1 = 2 * z1
  if useShort then z1 += 1
  z1 *= 3
  if ts || toggleCase then
    z1 += j
    z1 = 3 * z1 + 2
  else z1 += 1
there is some weird magic happening here
And I appreciate the sanity I have, so I won't be understanding how it works :p
[the cat] SSS is the kind of code that you find on your monitor after passing out from not sleeping in three days
[the cat] I'm not sure it was actually written by Dennis, it just appeared in the codebase and he went with it
[user] Adàm appeared to him in a dream
[the cat] I hate it when that happens to me
[user] :(
[user] Don't you like him?
[the cat] he always goes "ginger, use apl" and then I say "who are you and how did you get in my house? holy shit are you The Adám Brudzewsky"
[user] In a dream?
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Change values of k① and k②
[user] Usually whenever a crazy thing happens in a dream I kinda just roll with it
[the cat] actually that one might not have been a dream, idk
[user] e.g. I once had a dream where there was a chocolate flood outside making my apartment and inside, there were animals of some sort
> [RubenVerg]
> oh my god it's Adám "APL since I was six months old" Brudzewsky
[user] And I thought to myself, "Huh, this is kinda weird, isn't it? Oh right, the teapoy isn't where it normally is"
one of my dreams once had Ginger use Vyxal to mine bitcoin at an investor showcase
[the cat] I love the teapoy
[the cat] what
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
and I was like "but it's just calling a C++ library that does all the work"
yet the crowd loved it
despite the fact it was just a FFI call
[user] Vyxal FFI when :(
@Bridget this was a real dream a few days ago
[RubenVerg] vyxal access to java classes when
[user] Vyxal debugger when
[the cat] how was I in your dream lmao
[RubenVerg] Vyxal metaprogramming when
[user] I heard this guy named ysthakur promised debuggers a year ago
[the cat] you don't even know what I look like
@Bridget no clue
it might have been like a zoom call thing
@Bridget [user] I imagine you as your current pfp (minus the Santa hat)
all I know it was the vague notion of you live demoing it
[the cat] fascinating
@Bridget [the cat] actually I look like what redz sent in p4tc
[user] 9gtzgo.png
[RubenVerg] VyxAI when
[user] That's the Vyxal codebase :P
@Bridget [user] Uhh where's that?
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] It wasn't even the fact it was being used for crypto
[lyxal ♦️] it's the fact it was just lazily calling an external program
[user] Anyway I'll continue to think of everyone I know online as just their profile pictures rather than actual humans
[lyxal ♦️] like if it were an actual implementation that'd be fine
[user] Ah
[lyxal ♦️] it wasn't showcasing anything at all
[lyxal ♦️] but everyone that wasn't me loved it
@Bridget [RubenVerg] just like i'm surprised when i find out youtubers have a body and aren't a floating torso and head
[user] I mean, that's just Python, right? Everyone loves Python
[user] Are all of those you? They all look like different characters
[the cat] three of them are me :p
[the cat] other three are redz
[user] I see
[user] They're really good at drawing
[the cat] I'll let you guess which is which
@Bridget [the cat] indeed
@Bridget [user] I will simply merge both of you into a single entity in my mind
[user] Much easier than thinking
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] is flatmap map then flatten or flatten then map?
[user] map then flatten
[the cat] the redz/ginger gestalt
[user] It's a very common pattern when I'm golfing outside of Vyxal
@Bridget [RubenVerg] it's the monad bind for lists!
[RubenVerg] but yeah the first
[user] Madeline.
[user] You know lyxal
[user] Monad bind for lists means nothing to most people
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add flatmap to
[user] 🎉
@Bridget [RubenVerg] (alternatively, monad bind is what flatmap is for lists)
[RubenVerg] like, Option#flatMap in Scala
[user] Would be nice if we had examples for each element at some point once we finalize everything
[RubenVerg] (which I was sure was called andThen)
[RubenVerg] i think that might be Rust though
[user] It still annoys me that Haskell uses fmap because map is taken by just lists
[RubenVerg] yeah
[user] Yeah Rust uses that for options
[RubenVerg] it's a weird choice
[RubenVerg] foldl and stuff already were augmented to work with typeclasses i think
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
[RubenVerg] why couldn't they do it with map?
[user] I used to think the f meant flatmap, which did not help at all
[RubenVerg] anyways i tend to write <$> much more
@Bridget [user] Also, like, map on lists would continue working
[RubenVerg] yeah like with foldl (which is now Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b )
[lyxal ♦️] @!RubenVerg was ⟒ʀ= supposed to be a check for "is string all lowercase?"?
[RubenVerg] yes
[RubenVerg] well no
[RubenVerg] which characters are lowercase?
[lyxal ♦️] apart from the fact it needs a f at the start,
[RubenVerg] what's f?
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Fix left fork to make it better
[lyxal ♦️] flatten
[lyxal ♦️] but you didn't let me finish :p
[RubenVerg] oh strings aren't compared itemwise
[RubenVerg] APL brain
@VyxalBot [lyxal ♦️] this is what "my" next message would have been :p
[RubenVerg] it's a hook as well now?
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
[lyxal ♦️] it's what you suggested the other day
[RubenVerg] yay
[RubenVerg] i think it should get a keyword with "hook" somewhere in the name as well then
[RubenVerg] not convinced by s/28/21 though?
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add doc for new left-fork overload
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Merge branch 'version-3' of github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal into version-3
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Update ElementInformation.scala
[RubenVerg] you swapped the arguments around?
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] I fixed the argument order
[lyxal ♦️] it wasn't doing what it said it was doing
[lyxal ♦️] It was doing #2(#1(top, under), top)
[lyxal ♦️] not #2(#1(top, under), under)
[RubenVerg] should be a b → (a b F) b G
[RubenVerg] left_fork.png
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
[RubenVerg] yours is a commuted right fork i guess
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] that's what it's doing
[lyxal ♦️] x is top, y is second from top
[lyxal ♦️] I think
[lyxal ♦️] maybe
[RubenVerg] x is the one where x-y is x minus y
[RubenVerg] i don't know whether that's the top or the one below
[RubenVerg] but trying out left fork it seems you got them swapped
[RubenVerg] image.png
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] okay yeah I swapped them the wrong way
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: unswap fork
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add some case-related overloads
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add nest element
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Merge branch 'version-3' of github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal into version-3
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Format arity in modifier not defined exception
[RubenVerg] is there nest's friend "get the first element only if the list is of length 1"?
[lyxal ♦️] I wasn't aware nest had such a friend :p
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Fix syntax error
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Sort elements in test file from recent commit
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
3 hours later…
Pfft I forgot to document scan and reduce
They're implemented and in the codepage, just not documented
[user] o9p
[user] lol
2 hours later…
@Themoonisacheese I am doing a crime. A federal crime. I hacked into the FBI database and changed your name to "Loser McNoFriends".
they'll never get me now!
@VyxalBot This is worse than that time vyxapedia.hyper-neutrino.xyz redirected to anime
2 hours later…
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Document / and `\`
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Sort elements in test file from recent commit
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Remove #~ element because it has an implementation in æ
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add release notes for 3.5.1 to repo; start writing 3.6.0 release notes
@lyxal I am doing environmental damage. Pollution is so trendy nowadays.
@Themoonisacheese I am doing maths.
@lyxal I am doing my partner.
online dating worked out
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
gingershaped closed issue #2142 (Missing/mismatched elements) as completed in Vyxal/Vyxal
3 hours later…
hey where's the boopity boopers
[the cat] alright, we're back
[lyxal ♦️] why, why does spire have to stay at native 0.4 when it could easily be made 0.5
[lyxal ♦️] it doesn't have any dependencies stuck at 0.4.
[lyxal ♦️] (as far as I can tell)
[lyxal ♦️] and typelevel has bumped other libs to native 0.5
[lyxal ♦️] bbut no
[lyxal ♦️] spire has to stay at native 0.4
[the cat] open a PR :3
@Bridget [user] It's because of a bug: github.com/typelevel/spire/pull/1343
[user] They had a macro that relied on a bug in the Scala compiler. That bug was fixed, so now they need to fix their macro 🤦
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Update v3.6.0.md
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Merge branch 'version-3' of github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal into version-3
[the cat] lmao.
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] Ugh native problems

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