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Big brain idea: call prac-lang vyxal vyxal o1
Because if the current version is going to be 3.5, and 4 is already taken, o1 is the next best openai model :p
[user] I don't really want us to be associated with OpenAI tbh
[the cat] skip directly to Vyxal 5
1 hour later…
@Bridget it was a joke ofc it's a bad idea. 3.5 happens to be a coincidence
@Bridget unironically the plan if it ever happens
@lyxal [user] Ah ok lol
OpenAI might not even be around by the time of Vyxal 5 :p
Getting close to finishing the 3.5 release notes btw. Won't be able to finish them for another few hours, but release will most likely be today
[user] 👍
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Update README.md
5 hours later…
lyxal created branch version-3-legacy in Vyxal/Vyxal
lyxal edited repository Vyxal/Vyxal
lyxal deleted branch version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal
lyxal created branch version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal
lyxal deleted branch v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal
more like renamed
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Update vyxal.grammar to 3.5
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Update vyxal.grammar
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Update vyxal.grammar because of unforseen flaws with the autogen that I've fixed locally yet to push
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Update vyxal.grammar again
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Update vyxal-lit.grammar to 3.5
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Remove SugarTrigraph from highlight options in SBCS Ts
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: I may be a little silly
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: mfw stung by scala string interpolation and using literal $s (I forgot to use $$ in the syntax autogen)
lyxal edited repository Vyxal/Vyxal
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: (very much most likely) Last commit before 3.5.0
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
goofy ahh github actions
lyxal created tag v3.5.0 in Vyxal/Vyxal
@VyxalBot [lyxal ♦️]
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to versions/main in Vyxal/versions: Push new version files.
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Update element-data.ts
[RubenVerg] woo!
is what I'd be saying if it didn't turn out I uh completely broke the web interpreter :p
lyxal pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Sugar is bad for your teeth
[RubenVerg] now that I'm 100% sure it's done I can probably start working on the font again without feeling bad about it
[RubenVerg] i don't think I'm missing many glyphs but presumably I left the hardest ones
there are 3 you can ignore
, ,
[RubenVerg] alright
[RubenVerg] is the table html thing still around?
[RubenVerg] that was pretty useful to try the font
I deleted it while cleaning up docs
hey website's working
oh frick
I left the funny long names for the fizzbuzz constants in the release
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Remove the fizzbuzz constant long names
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
[lyxal ♦️] going to try to get Vyxal 3 on code.golf instead of vyxal 2
[lyxal ♦️] @!Stack Exchanger thumbs ups on the issue greatly appreciated
[noodle man jacob] Vyxal 3.5 came out? Nice
[lyxal ♦️] it did, an hour ago :p
[AlanTheBagel] nice
Todo: permalink system that includes date link was created and determines version by what was latest at the time
That would greatly simplify things
Also, add a "read input from STDIN" flag + all STDIN element for byte heist
lyxal closed issue #918 (Matrix contains builtin) as completed in Vyxal/Vyxal
well now I have no excuse not to work on Unified Versions
@VyxalBot [user] Oh my God finally
only took three years
4 hours later…
@Bridget [Yewzir] Have at it 🥳 image.png
@lyxal you broke the interpreter somehow
clicking stop while a program is running immediately restarts it
gingershaped pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Fix run repeatedly being called
gingershaped pushed a commit to vyxal.github.io/theseus in Vyxal/vyxal.github.io: Fix error when execution finishes but no input groups exist
also @lyxal unless I'm missing something blindingly obvious v3.5 is missing boolean logic and bitwise logic
[user] I see stuff like (logical and)
[user] I don't know what the bitwise elements are called though
[the cat] ...it's not showing up in autocomplete
[user] "bit" only gives one result
[user] Uh-oh
[the cat] and the interpreter switches to UTF-8 scoring when it's pasted in
[the cat] you sure you're looking at 3.5?
[user] Yeah
[the cat] that character is not in the 3.5 codepage
[user] Um
[user] Search for "logical and" then
[the cat] nothing
[the cat] ...indeed
[the cat] but it's not in the version of the codepage that's in the release notes, and the interpreter doesn't see it
[user] lmao
[user] Yes
[user] The one in the codepage is Λ
[the cat] :wires:
[the cat] the interpreter recognizes that, but it has no autocomplete info either
[user] Okay so the one in table.md is LOGICAL AND but the one in codepage.md is GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA
[the cat] it is unclear to me how those two became desynced
[user] The character (LOGICAL OR) is also not in the codepage
[the cat] I was looking for logical not, but I can't seem to find it
[the cat] ah, ¬
[user] Search for "logical-not"
[user] Yeah
[the cat] which is also not in the codepage or recognized by autocomplete
[the cat] what the hell is going on here
[user] Perhaps it's from the old codepage, and wasn't meant to be copied to the new ElementInformation file?
[the cat] it has an implementation
[the cat] like, prints 0
[the cat] but theseus doesn't recognize it as an element
[user] Where's Theseus getting its information from?
[user] If it's in table.md, Theseus should know about it too
[the cat] theseus.json
[user] Regardless this doesn't seem to be a Theseus problem, it's a codepage problem (?)
[RubenVerg] perhaps that wasn't run?
[the cat] oh
[RubenVerg] the CI/CD messed up?
[the cat]
  (symbol, element) <- ElementInformation.elements
  if Codepage.contains(symbol.last)
[the cat] it checks if the symbol is in the codepage
[user] Oh
[user] Why?
[the cat] idk
[the cat] I wrote this code but I don't recall why it does that
[the cat] regardless, we should probably correct the codepage and add a test to make sure it's in sync with the element list
@Bridget [the cat] also I'm unsure why generateDescriptions() still exists given that it's not used by theseus
[the cat] I really need to set some time aside to clear out all the cruft from our deploy process lmao
[the cat] like, most of the stuff in pages/ is unused
@Ginger [lyxal ♦️] It's been like that for a while
@Ginger [lyxal ♦️] Intentional
[lyxal ♦️] I planned for those to be digraphs
[pacman] why
[pacman] like at least boolean logic is useful
But there is boolean logic
[pacman] i use boolean OR/AND quite a bit when comparing truthiness of a string and a list or something
[RubenVerg] i think there's the short circuit ones, which have hopefully changed name
I meant the bitwise versions
[pacman] never use bitwise yeah
@Bridget name change did occur yes
@Bridget hence why those will be digraphs
[pacman] i used bitwise not like one time in my however many answers
@lyxal [RubenVerg] what are they now?
ikr I think bitwise i good for python/js golf or other langs without hundreds of overloads
@Bridget [user] Logical and/or/not
[RubenVerg] ah good
[user] And there's short circuiting overloads working on functions (which makes sense)
[lyxal ♦️] Amazing how those sent out of order
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add ∧∨ to codepage despite the fact they were already implemented
and not
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Update codepage.md
Well that's one way to fill all the place holder slots lol
[user] The lambda character looks very similar to the logical and character btw
[RubenVerg] one is big one is small
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add ¬ as well
[user] Λ and
[RubenVerg] with my font one is twice as tall as the other
[user] They look different next to each other but separately it's hard to tell
[RubenVerg] one is letter-like and one is operator-like
[user] image.png
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Update codepage.md with ¬
@Bridget that's a difficult one to solve, because the big one is a greek lambda hence why it's used
[user] It's not a huge huge deal but if y'all come across a different-looking lambda character in the future, it'd be good to use that instead
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Refresh element and/or trigraph docs from recent commit
ysthakur closed pull request #2095 ([v3] Refactor neighbourDirections) in Vyxal/Vyxal
@Bridget I don't know if people noticed this, but this means Vyxal 3 is now on code.golf
Sure you can't actually save any submissions because it's marked as experimental
But it's on there now
[user] Thanks for that Yewzir
Now that it's on there, negative number printing needs to be changed to actually suit the output format lol
Currently negative numbers are printed as num_ but the site expects -num
[RubenVerg] yeah it's probbly a good idea to print -x
Same with input
-x isn't recognised it seems while x_ is
Also, I just discovered for loops cast numbers to range [0, x] instead of [1, x]
At least on code.golf they do
...because the flag that makes ranges start from 0 is enabled
1 hour later…
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Make negative numbers print with a - at the front
I understand that's probably not how copy works, but I figured I'd push something up to indicate what I was trying to do
How would I make it so that config.copy(inputs = ...) would actually update config (given that config is a val)?
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Start towards adding an input from stdin flag
wait I forogot to push :facepalm:
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Set inputs directly in STDIN flag definition
nvm I don't need the .copy anymore

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