[user] I see stuff like ∧
(logical and)
[user] I don't know what the bitwise elements are called though
[the cat] ...it's not showing up in autocomplete
[user] "bit" only gives one result
[the cat] and the interpreter switches to UTF-8 scoring when it's pasted in
[the cat] you sure you're looking at 3.5?
[the cat] that character is not in the 3.5 codepage
[user] Search for "logical and" then
[the cat] but it's not in the version of the codepage that's in the release notes, and the interpreter doesn't see it
[user] The one in the codepage is Λ
[the cat] the interpreter recognizes that, but it has no autocomplete info either
[user] Okay so the one in table.md is LOGICAL AND but the one in codepage.md is GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA
[the cat] it is unclear to me how those two became desynced
[user] The character ∨
(LOGICAL OR) is also not in the codepage
[the cat] I was looking for logical not, but I can't seem to find it
[user] Search for "logical-not"
[the cat] which is also not in the codepage or recognized by autocomplete
[the cat] what the hell is going on here
[user] Perhaps it's from the old codepage, and wasn't meant to be copied to the new ElementInformation file?
[the cat] it has an implementation
[the cat] like, 1¬
prints 0
[the cat] but theseus doesn't recognize it as an element
[user] Where's Theseus getting its information from?
[user] If it's in table.md, Theseus should know about it too
[user] Regardless this doesn't seem to be a Theseus problem, it's a codepage problem (?)
[RubenVerg] perhaps that wasn't run?
[RubenVerg] the CI/CD messed up?
[the cat]
(symbol, element) <- ElementInformation.elements
if Codepage.contains(symbol.last)
[the cat] it checks if the symbol is in the codepage
[the cat] I wrote this code but I don't recall why it does that
[the cat] regardless, we should probably correct the codepage and add a test to make sure it's in sync with the element list
@Bridget [the cat] also I'm unsure why generateDescriptions()
still exists given that it's not used by theseus
[the cat] I really need to set some time aside to clear out all the cruft from our deploy process lmao
[the cat] like, most of the stuff in pages/
is unused