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lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: New 3.5 readme
Dec 29, 2024 at 2:18, by Bridget
[user] I like that you have a "Vyxal might not be for you if" section (people really need to talk about their disadvantages more rather than just their advantages), but I'd rather not have it right at the top in bold. An FAQ section with "Why shouldn't I use Vyxal?" might be nice
I still do believe in this
I decided to not include it for sake of brevity
and to instead write some sort of "philosophy of Vyxal"/"defense of design" ahh document
copilot, stop proving user right
I don't need you all up in my head like this
1 hour later…
lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-new-3.5-ideas in Vyxal/Vyxal: Create vyxalism.md
I don't plan on having that finished before release
but it's a good start to having something that goes deeper than the README but not a tutorial like the Tour
@lyxal I am doing something even dumber than what you're doing right now.
Given I'm talking to you, that's a self burn
!!/status tingly
@lyxal I am d-d-d-doing wyxaw's assignments. >/////<
dang it Barbra Streisand
4 hours later…
[user] I like the short README
[user] You could always link to documentation/vyxalism.md from the readme if you want

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