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4:41 AM
@Ginger yeah
@lyxal Damn, I just checked out Scala.JS's javalib and yup, java.nio.file hasn't been ported yet: github.com/scala-js/scala-js/tree/main/javalib/src/main/scala/…
But I'm pretty sure you can create a scala.io.Source and use that instead
I just used Files because that's what I'm familiar with
@lyxal Pretty
AI :p
For a second I thought it was like the default template or something but nope, that's Ginger'sm odifications
Nice job Ginger
Oh wait is that your work lyxal
Nice work lyxal
@lyxal this thing?
it's v0 developed
chatgpt but for web devs :p
4:46 AM
yeah :p
Nice job, Internet?
Me: my pasta is overcooked, how do i fix it
v0: I'm mostly focused on web development, but I can offer some advice on your pasta situation.

Unfortunately, once pasta is overcooked, there's no way to make it perfectly al dente again. However, here are some suggestions to salvage your overcooked pasta and prevent it from happening in the future:

1. Salvaging overcooked pasta:

1. Rinse with cold water: This can help stop the cooking process immediately.
2. Use it in a different dish: Overcooked pasta can work well in soups, casseroles, or frittatas.
7 hours later…
11:44 AM
@lyxal here's what the modified version looks like:
but the page just ends there :p
and idk where to put things like the interpreter version list
@Ginger ooh ooh you know how sites like Deno and Github Copilot's introduction page show how different problems are solved using cool looking text editor boxes which aren't actually editable?
more of those in addition to the one already at the top of the page
(the secret: those are all CM fields)
and the sbcs stuff can be compared to what you'd write in something in js/python to show that this is a golf language and that you short in this language
you'll have to mock it up for me tho on account of I know 🀏 this much vyxal
(also I really do need somewhere to put the download links and interpreter version archive)
Make all versions a dropdown to select a version to use
11:52 AM
that just feels clunky, but ok
@Ginger like that
A react component where I can fill in the blanks would be good
no react for this page :p
since we don't have SSR
Server Side Rendering
compile and deploy easy
turn it into static html
11:56 AM
the way theseus works is that Pages serves a nearly-empty HTML file and the TS initializes the whole thing from scratch
@lyxal I looked into this, there doesn't seem to be a way to do it
unless I missed something
@Ginger npm run build is the key it seems
which makes sense given that's what I used for a uni assignment
I've deployed a react app to surge.sh before
@lyxal does this solution involve installing chromium
it doesn't matter
npm run build
that's all you need
I doubt it
no I'm telling you as a fact
10 mins ago, by lyxal
I've deployed a react app to surge.sh before
12:10 PM
this smells like it's written for create-react-app
which I notably did not use
well that does make a difference
given that I did use create-react-app :p
all the solutions I found when I checked involved using a browser engine
which I'm not interested in :3c
I'll see if I can do whatever create-react-app does, but don't get your hopes up
there's a library for it
no need for create-react-app
ah looks like it's something that needs to be used from the start
@Ginger is it already written in react, or is it plan html?
@lyxal plain HTML right now
but not very much, I could convert it to TSX
could migrate to svelte
12:16 PM
I'm wary of frameworks
svelte is lightweight enough you barely notice it's there
@lyxal why does luminespire have both prettier and eslint??
@lyxal yeah this looks weird
what are the alternatives? I'd prefer to only use vanilla react if at all possible
Svelte isn't that bad
if I have a soft spot for it, and I hate web development, you know it's doing something right
12:28 PM
still: what are the alternatives? I'll keep svelte in mind I promise
i love svelte but sometimes i just want to do jsx and every svelte dev hates me for even thinking about that
@Ginger I don't know anything outside of react and svelte :p
just don't use vue whatever you do
I do not like vue
vue isn't that bad, especially compared to react
if vue was good, we wouldn't be needing theseus
if vue was good we would still have the (unusuable on mobile) first iteration of the v3 interpreter, so maybe it's for the best :p
12:33 PM
jsx but without needing to build
@lyxal lmaooooo
this is literally the reason I made theseus
because the old keyboard used that and it was horrendous
bad enough that I decided to redo the whole thing out of spite
tell ya what. just write me the examples (and ideally use v0 to make a mockup or smth), I'll handle the writing of the page
I'll keep svelte in mind but rn I don't feel that it's justified
I can do you one better
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Code Editor Template</title>
        body, html {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
            height: 100%;
        .container {
            display: flex;
            height: 100%;
        .sidebar {
It'll generate them for you
I can just do more of these:
            "1 2 + .",
            "print(1 + 2)",
            "This code adds two numbers (1 and 2) and prints the result. The Vyxal code uses stack-based operations, while the Python code uses a more traditional syntax."
@lyxal very nice
I'll just bolt bootstrap CSS onto this
it does pain me a little bit to use JS for assembling the page
hey wait don't we have custom elements in vanilla HTML now
we do! new idea
ok this doesn't look too hard to use
@lyxal so should this go under the three cards?
how many of these are we gonna have
12:45 PM
don't know yet
also, when did they change the copilot product page?!?
I swear it used to have "this is what it autocompletes as" boxes
this is what I pretty much have in mind, except the sidebar on the left is text/blurb
twilight zone shadow DOM time
ugh, why does this have to be so complicated
poop­β‘β€‹β€Žβ€Žβͺ⁑βͺ⁠βͺ⁑βͺβ€β€β€‹β‘β β‘β€Œβ’β€‹β€Žβ€Žβͺ⁑βͺ⁠βͺ⁒βͺβ€β β€Žβͺ⁑βͺ⁠βͺ⁣βͺβ€β€β€‹β‘β β‘β€Œβ£β€‹β€Žβ€Žβͺ⁑βͺ⁠βͺ⁀βͺβ€β€β€‹β‘β β‘β€Œ­
p     # β€Žβ‘Letter p
 oo   # β€Žβ’Double letter o
   p  # β€Žβ£Letter p
Created with the help of [Luminespire](vyxal.github.io/Luminespire).
1:00 PM
this is the tool I found the first time
@lyxal what's this from?
github copilot
need to figure out how they handle responsiveness
@Ginger slight problem is that's from the web archive
not live
what does it look like on mober
that's the question
one tick
need to open the site again
@Ginger they do not :p
1:07 PM
maybe I'll come back to this
for now I just need to figure out where to put the version list
which is turning out to be really annoying
the problem is that we have a bunch of versions and no extra info about them, so making a list of them on the page is difficult to do in a way that doesn't look ugly
and there's no obvious place to put a dropdown
why is web design so difficult, huh
@lyxal ok what if I put a centered thing under the three cards with a version dropdown and a "go to latest" button
wait new idea
@lyxal do you have some examples of vyxal that I can use? I think I know how to do this
just vyxal no other language?
two cards under the current set of three: one with online interpreter and GH release links, and one with examples of vyxal
sbcs or literate?
1:17 PM
@lyxal yeah, for now
@lyxal literate ig
I'm definitely gonna come back to this later
## A collatz conjecture program
stdin := n ## read the input into n
(. scan-fix: {if even? then halve else triple increment end}) := collatz
$n $collatz call
## The classic fizzbuzz
100 map<
  n [3, 5] divides?
  "FizzBuzz" halve
  dot-product maximum
} join-on-newlines
## How about something that generates all the fibonacci numbers?
## Like actually all of them

relation add from [1, 1] end

## is it really that simple?!
(Taken from the readme)
@Ginger it's probably better to just stick to one language anyway
I don't like this
1:36 PM
okay, my patience for web design is wearing thin
I'm gonna make the all versions button a dropdown and ship that
@lyxal I have something that works
very nice
2:04 PM
@lyxal I might make the list of archived versions its own page tbh
also I replaced the archived versions card with one that links to the tour
2:19 PM
@user how? :p
2:46 PM
shocking: my cursed webpack trickery is not working as intended
4 hours later…
6:34 PM
@Ginger Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you but the fastLinkJS and fullLinkJS tasks have already been modified to stick stuff under pages
indeed they have
that works, thanks!
I do not remember having that much code duplication, though, need to get rid of it
Don't have the motivation to doi t right now but if you're feeling too lazy to figure out Mill feel free to ping me

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