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12:58 PM
gee, I've completely forgotten how to run this thing
(the code)
(not the organisation :p)
1:13 PM
wow I forgot just how much there is
and how many parts are all connected and everything
we really built all this?
1:30 PM
I also forgot just how good development feels
I think...I think hiatus is over
fr fr no cap
first thing back is getting the 3.5 lexer I made into 3.4
because I think that was a major mental stumbling block, having it all mish mash, so to speak
2:22 PM
TODO: make records and that kind of thing work with the new lexer
 jvm.test.test 7 tests failed:
  vyxal.YamlTests Element ' Element: ', Inputs: #[#[1,1,1#],#[0,0,0#],#[1,1,1#]#]
  vyxal.InterpreterTests The define structure does stuff
  vyxal.InterpreterTests records should have correct read access modifiers
  vyxal.InterpreterTests records should have the correct write access modifiers
  vyxal.InterpreterTests records should update record attributes upon writing
  vyxal.InterpreterTests records should support a basic (somewhat flawed) map record implementation
that's for tomorrow
2:34 PM
@lyxal we're so back
except for the part where the bot is still dead
never got a response to that
3:19 PM

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