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1:35 AM
@RubenVerg [lyxal ♦️] Vue 💀
12 hours later…
1:29 PM
[pacmanboss256] ﹫<unknown user> does the v2 canvas have a size limit
[Ginger] Bridget sure does :disturb_smile:
1:45 PM
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] I mean, it shouldn't
[lyxal ♦️] Afaik it's infinite
[pacmanboss256] this doesnt get the last part
[pacmanboss256] oh wait im dumb theres an 11
[lyxal ♦️] Binglus :p
[pacmanboss256] whats the best way to partition this
[pacmanboss256] probably after arrows
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] "t", "hi", "s"
2 hours later…
3:30 PM
[pacmanboss256] did it
3:41 PM
[pacmanboss256] kind of a shame that the parse direction arrow to integer doesnt follow the canvas directions but uses the unit circle instead
2 hours later…
5:59 PM
[pacmanboss256] now beats 05ab1e
A: Follow the path

pacman256Vyxal ?, 209 bitsv2, 26.125 bytes '±¬;`^>v<`ko√Ŀ$f⌊0€Ḣvṅ⌊›×?[ø^ Try it Online! Bitstring: 00110101000101011011011000100110011110100101010111011101001100101000001000011011011100101101100110101100001110011000001010101000100111111110010100000111001000010110100101011111100000000001111001100001111010...

anyone know why i have to randomly increment the lengths
2 hours later…
7:45 PM
[that mac] sorry can't do stuff with vyxal this month, I'm really busy
2 hours later…
10:05 PM
@Bridget [lyxal ♦️] No need to apologise. No one expects anyone here to make any commitments
[lyxal ♦️] Take as much time as you need :p
[Ginger] "I'll have [theseus] done in a week!" (two months ago)

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