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Q: What is "Snail's Law"?

EJoshuaS - Stand with UkraineWhen Victor and Andrey Pavlovich went to "The Dump" in chapter 21 of Penguin Lost, Andrey told Zhora, "Remembered her who you were talking to in the sauna? Time - like money for your board, my money, $50 per diem - is shirt. No sense in wasting it. Infringing Snail's Law is bad enough. Refusing ...

Q: Did the characters in *Penguin Lost* actually routinely use dollars?

EJoshuaS - Stand with UkrainePenguin Lost by Andrey Kurkov is set primarily in post-Soviet Ukraine but periodically refers to characters (such as Andrey Pavlovich) using dollars. For example, on chapter 21: "Remembered her who you were talking to in the sauna? Time - like money for your board, my money, $50 per diem - is sh...

Q: What was the Cafe Afghan?

EJoshuaS - Stand with UkraineIn chapter 22 and 23 of Penguin Lost, Viktor and Andrey Pavlovich made a big show of delivering some artificial limbs to the Cafe Afghan to promote the latter's campaign. What, exactly, was the Cafe Afghan? Is that a place where veterans of the Soviet war in Afghanistan frequented? I do vaguely r...

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