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Q: her voice just one half-note too high

user58207It is from 'The Cone' by H.G. Wells. There was another pause. Did the man mean to take the thing coolly? Did he after all know? How long had he been in the room? Yet even at the moment when they heard the door, their attitudes . . . . Horrocks glanced at the profile of the woman, shadowy pallid ...

4 hours later…
Q: a short story about a box of grief I read in university

ArielleI would really appreciate help remembering a short story I read when I was majoring in creative writing some years back. Here are the details I remember: it centers around a young boy in a woodworking class, and he is working on a project his parents have just died in a car crash recently the bo...

8 hours later…
@bobble I dont understand anything that you said :'v. If you can explain more(or anyone). Because I didn't read Hamlet or other classic books
1 hour later…
Q: How might I contact a Member?

Robbie GoodwinHow might I contact a Member who has made unwelcome Edits on one of my Posts, preferably in private with no suggestion of complaint?

@matt I said, 'does Hamlet say "Death is silence"? I only found references to "The rest is silence". Is there some parody with a character named "Helmet"?'
By this I meant:
1. Does the character Hamlet say the quote "Death is silence" at some point in the play?
2. I already looked for the answer to Question 1. I did not find any instance of that quote. Instead, I found the quote, "The rest is silence"
3. Because the quotes in Questions 1 and 2 are similar, I wondered if it was an intentional misquote. Therefore, I asked if this was from a parody
Does that make sense?
2 hours later…
Q: How might I contact a Member?

Robbie GoodwinHow might I contact a Member who has made unwelcome Edits on one of my Posts, preferably in private with no suggestion of complaint?

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