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I saw this in a bookshop earlier today: Lady MacBethad by Isabelle Schuler. A novel that reimagines the life of Gruoch aka Lady Macbeth.
There's also Lady Macbeth's Daughter by Lisa Klein. I always thought Lady Macbeth sucked at being a mother.
@Tsundoku Does it say how many children she had? If so, perhaps you could undelete and revise your answer to that question!
@Tsundoku ha
@verbose I'll consider it once I have figured out how many trees walked to Dunsinane.
We now have more questions about than about .
@Tsundoku I've always wondered whether the requirement that a US president be a "natural born citizen" excludes those delivered by Cæsarian section ....
@Tsundoku There is justice in the world after all. Or at least on LitSE
@verbose Caesarea is quite far from the USA, so I guess not.
@ClaraDíazSanchez um yeah, no, she's no Mrs Chips. If you can get a hold of a copy, do read the book. It's brilliant (and very funny in some respects)
2 hours later…
@Bookworm Laura is not allowed in the HNQ
5 hours later…
@Bookworm Nor our strong sorrow, upon the foot of HNQ
6 hours later…
To be fair, 17! is a lot more than a million. — Azor Ahai -him- Nov 7, 2023 at 15:49
That comment is on point ;-)
@Bookworm How to understand symbolism in Hot Network Questions? (Romance of the HNQ)
6 hours later…
Q: Is the 'Quincey's moat' referenced in Edmund Blunden's 'Almswomen' a real place?

Tom HoskerEdmund Blunden's poem 'Almswomen' begins: At Quincey's moat the squandering village ends, Does 'Quincey's moat' refer to a real place? The only notable Quincey I know of is Thomas De Quincey, the famous opium addict. I don't believe he owned or built any earthworks. Anyone care to prove me wron...

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Q: Was Macbeth considering murdering Duncan before Lady Macbeth encouraged him to?

MithicalIn Macbeth, after announcing that he will go be a harbinger for Duncan and make things ready for him at Inverness, Macbeth says this aside to himself: Macbeth [Aside] The Prince of Cumberland! that is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fir...

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