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Q: Does the author indicste who Daddy-long-legs is in the novel?

Yuuichi TamI read a simplified version of the novel "Daddy-Long-Legs". I understand that who Daady-Long-Legs is at the end of the book. However the main character said when she met Daddy-Long-Legs for the first time, In an instant it flashed over me. Oh, but I have been foolished. A hundred little things m...

2 hours later…
@Bookworm Since this is the sentence you posted here that got me to read the book, I hope you'll answer the question, @PeterShor !
Jun 9 at 22:37, by Peter Shor
In any text there is both overt and covert material that accesses different cognitive levels within a reader. That is one of those statements highly regarded in the teachers' conferences that I avoid. But I use it here to suggest that my own gayness will come as no surprise. Until now it has not been part of the story in the same way that I'm not part of the story.
The book wasn't too well loved by the book club, alas. I gave it a thumbs up, but I was in the minority.
@Tsundoku yep, that's me
2 hours later…
@Bookworm What's up with the downvotes on both the question and the answer?
Jun 26 at 9:03, by Tsundoku
@verbose Votes are an unreliable measure of quality. I've seen instances where the highest-voted answer was demonstrably false and received upvotes even after two correct answers had been added.
@Tsundoku I assume the down-voter objects to the question being self-answered.
Q: Can I answer my own questions, even if I knew the answer before asking?

Chris SmithI might want to answer my own question because: I arrived at a solution before there were any other correct answers or I like mine better, can I still answer my own question? I have a folder with lists of code snippets for things I always forget or get wrong, such as regular expressions for pro...

(Just for those who aren't familiar with the rules.)
@Bookworm Preparing one of my longest answers on this site ...
Posted some weekend reading ...
3 hours later…
@PeterShor My ILL of "Handling Sin" has arrived, all the way from Vigo. It's a bigger tome than I expected...
@verbose I've never read Jean Brodie or seen any adaptations, so I'd assumed she was a well-loved pedagogue, like Mr Chips or Elizabeth Finch. If she's sending schoolgirls to have sex with the art teacher, or convincing them to fight for the Fascists, that's a very different impression.
@ClaraDíazSanchez I hope you like it; Handling Sin and Foolscap (also by Michael Malone) are two of my favorite humorous books. And they're both quite thick.
@ClaraDíazSanchez You weren't exactly wrong. I saw the play The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie many years ago, and if I recall correctly, she is a well-loved pedagogue, at least among her disciples, just not one with a conventional moral sense.
@Tsundoku The down-voter is allowed to down-vote for whatever reason, so it's not a big deal. I don't know if an explanation will help, but what happened was that I was puzzled by the line, and wrote the question, and then before posting it, I put in a bit more of an effort to figure it out and found enough for an answer. Since the line wasn't glossed in any of the editions I looked at, I thought it was worth sharing what I found in case it helps some other reader of Browning.
1 hour later…
Q: How to understand symbolism in literature (The Romance of the Rose)?

anya ananasssI'm currently reading The Romance of the Rose by Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Meun, I've just finished Guillaume de Lorris' part and now I'm examining some paper on meaning of the crystals in Deduit's garden which I found online. It states that a lot of critics think that crystals symbolises the...

1 hour later…
@GarethRees There is a difference between "downvoting is allowed" and "downvoting reflects low quality". The latter is not the case. But if you think it's not a big deal, I'll just move on.
Q: What is it that Laura is not allowed to do?

TsundokuIn Katherine Mansfield's well-known short story The Garden Party, the protagonist, Laura, wants to cancel the garden party after hearing that a carter has died in an accident. Her mother and sisters disagree, so the garden party takes place as planned. After the party, Laura's mother comes up wit...

@Bookworm Meaning of HNQ in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1635). (Not surprised that Gareth is the one who found the answer.)
2 hours later…
People shouldn't just read novels, poems and short stories but also comedies, tragedies and other types of drama. As the saying goes, all work and no plays makes Jack a dull boy.
3 hours later…
@Tsundoku but the challenge is over 🙁
1 hour later…
Typed out a whole question only to realize it was already asked during the site beta. :)
Q: What does "Nor our strong sorrow, upon the foot of motion" mean?

MithicalAfter the murder of Duncan in Macbeth, his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, have this discussion after being informed of the murder of their father: Malcolm [Aside to Donalbain] Why do we hold our tongues, That most may claim this argument for ours? Donalbain [Aside to Malcolm] What should be sp...

@verbose So you don't want me to answer your other unanswered question about dairy products?
@Tsundoku your answer to the Dutch/Belgian question is a great one (already on my list for nomination for best of q3) so yes, I hope you'll also answer the remaining one.

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