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@Bookworm November in the HNQ
@Bookworm Odsbodikins! This went HNQ
Thanks for the edits @verbose, must've been more tired than I realized
@Mithical you're welcome. I got a chuckle out of the consistent misspelling "Lousia."
1 hour later…
Q: How does the Crofts' style of driving reflect on their general guidance of affairs?

MithicalIn Jane Austen's Persuasion, when Anne Elliot is getting a ride with Mrs. and Admiral Croft, she makes this observation about the Crofts' way of driving, and that is may represent a more general aspect of their life: 'Very good humoured, unaffected girld, indeed,' said Mrs. Croft, in a tone of c...

Q: What does this line from Frank Herbert's Dune mean?

archthegreatIn the last chapter of Dune, there's this paragraph: As Stilgar turned to obey, Paul heard the awed muttering of Fremen guards: 'You see? He knew! No one told him, but he knew!' What are the guards talking about here? What does Paul know that hasn't been told to him? The preceding paragraph is:...

Q: Source for quote about love wanting the loved one to suffer

MoeI recently listened to someone reading a text (possibly greek or Latin, but they were reading a translation of it) on the topic of love. The gist of it was that a part of love is desiring to cause pain to the loved one - not only physical pain, even if in one passage it was even used as an exampl...

7 hours later…
@CDR I think you're right and the answer is wrong. The relevant sequence of events is: 1. Nick's first visit to Gatsby's home (chapter III); 2. Nick learns from Tom that Gatsby was a bootlegger (chapter VII); 3. Nick has breakfast with Gatsby after the car crash and remembers his first visit to the home (chapter VIII); 4. Nick writes or tells the story, two years later.
So it doesn't matter whether we take the phrase "ancestral home" as representing Nick's opinion at time 3 or 4—in either case he was aware of Gatsby's history.
The answer is be interpreting "ancestral home" as representing Nick's opinion at time 1, but that doesn't make sense given that the phrase appears in chapter VIII and not in chapter III.
6 hours later…
@GarethRees - thanks; your explanation makes sense. I wasn't really sure what was going on, but I guess I'm not crazy.
1 hour later…
@CDR That doesn't logically follow. "If the answer is correct, CDR is crazy; the answer is not correct; therefore CDR is not crazy." The answer's being correct is a sufficient condition for your being crazy, but not a necessary one. There are all kinds of other reasons you might still be crazy.
I'm not saying you are crazy, only that we hitherto have insufficient evidence either way.

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