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Q: Why does Léa say Chéri is like a Black or Chinese man?

verbose TW: Quotations from the original and the translation include racially insensitive terms. In Colette's Chéri, shortly after the ageing courtesan Léa has taken the eponymous teenager as a lover, she is discussing him with one of her clients: "C'est rigolo, confiait-elle, à la fin de cet été de 1...

2 hours later…
The fun you people have when I am away for a few days. A Spanish language debate, and a story-ID question from @verbose
2 hours later…
@verbose Ha! I live in Hungary, all young doctors had already fled, so I'm not at risk of seeing a younger doctor here yet. Though of course I have felt my age in many other ways, this is certainly not the first time, just the first of this specific kind.
@verbose Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney it's part of the main plot that someone was shot in an elevator, and near the end of the original story we have to find out who did it and whether it was accident or murder. Also one of the books in Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider series starts with a rich businessman getting killed by tampering with his elevator car such that the floor is replaced by a holographic replica and he falls twenty storeys in the elevator shaft when he steps into it.
10 hours later…
@b_jonas It's a common trope. "But the lift had not descended. Something else had descended; something that ought to have come by a lift." (G. K. Chesterton, 'The Eye of Apollo', in The Innocence of Father Brown)
1 hour later…
See also The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket, in which the characters are not killed, despite being shoved down an elevator shaft, because the villains have very thoughtfully stretched a net across it.
2 hours later…
@GarethRees Well sure, Alex Rider contains large amounts of parody of existing spy-fic.

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