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Q: Searching for book about Finnish girl in 19th century who migrates to Norway

Tina S15 years ago I read a great book that I have searched for online and at Nordic stores and come up a-cropper. It's set in the 19th c (I think) and follows the story of a poor Finnish girl who migrates to Norway (but it could be Sweden) and faces a lot of discrimination because of being Finn. As I...

1 hour later…
What does "close votes invalidated" mean in this question history?
@Randal'Thor Ibsen doesn't seem to be in the spirit of topic challenges, in that I imagine he's already pretty widely read by denizens of this site, but yeah, whatever, sure.
5 hours later…
@NapoleonWilson Sure. At least I gave the disclaimer. Others (imagine someone no longer in chat, for example) would've just gone ahead and given their version without any such provisos.
@verbose True, but occasionally this happens with topic challenges - something that's not so far outside the community's cultural bailiwick manages to reach the top of the votes pile.
This is interesting - a 16th-century play written in a now-dead Native South American language. I wonder how many languages it's been translated into and whether it'd work as a topic challenge.
@Randal'Thor It is interesting. I've heard of it but not read it. A topic challenge on Anchieta might work better than one on just this play, perhaps? Though his works all seem to have been evangelical / didactic / doctrinal in nature, and may not be super interesting reads except for those of us inclined to read historical texts for reasons other than the joys of a good story.
2 hours later…
@verbose Wow, yeah, he sounds like an interesting fellow too.
> Anchieta was one of the founders of São Paulo in 1554 and of Rio de Janeiro in 1565. He is the first playwright, the first grammarian and the first poet born in the Canary Islands, and the father of Brazilian literature.
> Anchieta became the first person to provide an orthography to the Old Tupi language most commonly spoken by the indigenous people of Brazil.
> Anchieta is commonly known as "the Apostle of Brazil". He was canonized by Pope Francis on 3 April 2014. [...] To this day, a popular devotion holds that praying to Anchieta protects against animal attacks.
3 hours later…
Benjamin Zephaniah died today, bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-67646607
2 hours later…
@ClaraDiazSanchez Damn. RIP.
I read a bunch of his books when I was a kid/teenager. He came across like a real man of the people.
9 hours later…
Q: What role did surrealism play in new york school poetry?

user66697What role did surrealism play in new york school poetry? I know there are book length studies about this, but I wondered if anyone could paraphrase anything.

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