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Q: What are some good novels based on Bible?

Aslam MirSalams: What are some good novels, woven around the stories, personages, themes of the Bible?

8 hours later…
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Q: Looking for forgotten title of BL manga

MarianaI was trying to find a yaoi manga that I know is on mangago but I didn't save the name. All I remember is that it had less than 10 chapter. Summary is that a boy got exiled from his family by his grandfather after being framed to have sexual relations with men. Next, he has to go to school to hav...

Q: TTRPG or Video Games history book on itch.io for >=$25 Canadian Dollars and was promoted by either Kotaku or Polygon, about 3 months ago

MaladyI've been looking through my internet history of itch.io sites looking for this book, because I didn't buy it, but I can't find anything that fits, even though I have history for this whole year. It is / was only directly sold through itch.io, by the way.

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