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@MattThrower That's really unfortunate about the redundancy. Hopefully you'll land on your feet soon!
> Forrestal's alleged last written statement, touted in the contemporary press and later biographers as an implied suicide note, was part of a poem from W. M. Praed's translation of Sophocles' tragedy Ajax.
Poetry of the day.
3 hours later…
@Bookworm HNQ god's string.
1 hour later…
Blimey that new answer is verbose. I can't upvote that one within a few minutes of seeing it :-)
I mean, it looks great as far as I've read, but I'll need to come back and finish reading it later.
@Randal'Thor someone go upvote @CDR’s answer so [ts]?hey? can break into the four digits.
8 hours later…
@verbose [ts]?hey? reached it!
@PetəíŕdTheLinuxWizard so I saw! Cool!
2 hours later…
Chat J'ai Pété: "The new version of ChatGPT with sound effects!"
@verbose Did Nalo Hopkinson drop by on Lit SE? She tweeted something about our reading challenge many moons ago, but the account she used at the time has long disappeaared.
1 hour later…
Q: Why are the champak flowers in particular "foredoomed... to shrivel and shrink and fade"?

MithicalSarojini Naidu's "Champak Blossoms" contains the following lines: Amber petals, ivory petals, Petals of carven jade, Charming with your ambrosial sweetness Forest and field and glade, Foredoomed in your hour of transient glory To shrivel and shrink and fade! [...] But you, when your delicate blo...

3 hours later…
@Tsundoku I'm allergic. Count meowt
@Tsundoku Oh you may be right (I may be crazy)

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