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1:33 AM
Q: What was Koestler's opinion of the Hardy's translation of Darknes at Noon?

ZeusIt is a well-known story that the original German manuscript of Darkness at Noon was presumed lost until relatively recently (2015), well after Koestler's death. The English translation by Daphne Hardy was thus used as a "master copy" and the source for translations to other languages (including ...

2:10 AM
@Bookworm Anyone happen to know all Tony Wolf books to exclude them as the answer here?
5 hours later…
7:11 AM
@Bookworm General Woundwort injuring his HNQ.
@Bookworm The unavoidably-raised ax of HNQ.
@Bookworm No smoking in the HNQ list!
@Mithical Literary analysis makes a big deal out of parallels, but everyone forgets the poor old perpendiculars.
1 hour later…
8:34 AM
@Randal'Thor Not to mention literary echoes. Or do you consider those orthogonal to parallels?
8:46 AM
Q: Meaning of "Going back to one's Tribal Caves" in Speed the Plow by David Mamet

my name depends on youIn Mamet's Speed the Plow, what does Gould mean by "go back in their Tribal Caves"? Here: “Yes, and you get ready, now: you get ready ’cause they’re going to plot, they’re going to plot against you . . . . They’re going to plot against you, Charlie, like they plotted against me. They’re going ba...

4 hours later…
1:00 PM
Q: Meaning of "See you at A and P" in Speed-the-Plow by David Mamet

my name depends on youIn Mamet's Speed-the-Plow, what does Fox mean by "See you at A and P "? Here: KAREN: I don't belong here. FOX: Well, I can help you out on that. You ever come on the lot again, I'm going to have you killed. Goodbye. See you at the A and P. KAREN: Goodbye.

Best Non Fiction Book Review Blogs of 2023: this list actually contains many blogs that also review fiction.
1:42 PM
@Bookworm What was Koestler's opinion of HNQ at Noon?
6 hours later…
7:30 PM
@Bookworm Going back to one's Tribal HNQ.
@Bookworm I wish more people would upvote the currently lowest-voted answer here. Mine and MAGolding's are OK, but that's the only one based on knowledge of the text in the original language, which includes important context for answering the question correctly.
7:47 PM
@Randal'Thor You're right, that answer looks like a definitive answer, while the other two are informed guesswork. I've upvoted it.
1 hour later…
8:48 PM
@DLosc Thanks (also for the edits)!
@Bookworm See you at the H and Q (HNQ).
8:59 PM
@Randal'Thor Agreed and upvoted. Apologies for tooting my own horn, but I feel similarly about this question in reverse: @GarethRees's answer is great as usual, but lacks some specific cultural context and so is incomplete.
@verbose I had already upvoted your answer there, and have been thinking about posting more questions to tempt you into posting more answers ;-)
OBTW, have you seen this question of mine, and do you think there's more to be said than what's in Tsundoku's answer? I originally posted that question because ISTR you had a Google doc or something with a lot more Ur-Hamlet info than what could fit in your answer here, so I figured I'd give the site an opportunity to get more of that information shared.
9:23 PM
@Randal'Thor Savitri is originally in English, so the tag wouldn't apply, would it? And Ghose is originally from Bengal, but he was living in Pondicherry when he wrote it, because the British were out to get him and Pondicherry was a French colony.
9:33 PM
@Randal'Thor I do. I found the exchange in the comments between @Tsundoku and @PeterShor very interesting. I've come around to lean more toward Peter's thinking myself: insofar as there was an Ur-Hamlet at all, it was probably Shakespeare's rather than Kyd's. But it's going to take me several hours to put together an answer:
partly because it would involve revisiting and revising my answer to this question and this one
I mean, I do really want to think through all the issues that I mention in my answer to that last linked question, and that means immersing myself in those issues for at least a couple of weeks. And I haven't gotten around to it.
But I think Tsundoku's answer is pretty comprehensive in terms of answering the direct question: we really don't know anything more about the content of the Ur-Hamlet. I just wanna say, we don't even know for sure that it existed as a different play from the text that currently circulates as Hamlet.
9:50 PM
Oh you know what I should do? I should look up the Bengali or Sanskrit translations of Savitri and see how they translate that line about the coils. H'm. I don't know who did the translations, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Ghose himself. He died before finishing the epic, and his literary executors put together the last few cantos from his drafts.
10:44 PM
Apologies for not submitting any Tumblr reviews for almost two weeks.

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