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Q: YA or Juvenile short story anthology (textbook?)

SmavWhen I was in middle school (early 2000s) I remember finding an English textbook full of short stories, plays, and other things. They would be followed by a brief questionnaire before moving onto the next story or drama. I know that: One of the stories was "Welcome Home, Jellybean" by Marlene Fa...

2 hours later…
@Bookworm The line questions draw to represent a bird in HNQ.
Indicating once again that the effort put into an answer is inversely proportional to its likeliness to go HNQ. (No offence @Spagirl, it's a perfectly decent answer to that question, but hardly your most difficult or time-consuming answer on this site.)
5 hours later…
@Bookworm Isn't there some online database where one can see all anthologies and collections that a particular short story has appeared in? Should be possible to search for "Welcome Home Jellybean" and get the answer to this.
@Randal'Thor Hey, I had to draw those birds. Original artistic content, mate!
Oh! I thought it was a picture you found online to illustrate the point.

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