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Q: What is "the line children draw to represent a bird in flight"?

Albert Albert"The expression on her face, then, had been the one he'd seen, hours later, on her sleeping face in a port side coffin, her upper lip like the line children draw to represent a bird in flight." I'm reading Neuromancer and don't understand what "the line children draw to represent a bird in flight.

4 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: Can form be moraly suspect or virtuous?

a_person A tendency—rather than a recognized school—within literary criticism to judge literary works according to moral rather than formal principles.... T. S Eliot, who was Christian, and judged works in terms of their ability to clarify life, and give it meaning; F. R. Leavis, who thought literature s...

Q: Why does the poem "I Love" seem to imply that Belarus is fertile?

EJoshuaS - Reinstate MonicaFollow-up to: Is Belarus actually hard to farm? The poem I love by Kanstancyja Bujla contains the following lines: I love our Byelorussian nation, Cottages where green orchards throng, The ploughlands, gleaming gold with harvest, Our woods and groves, their murmured song... I love the spring, ad...

Q: What's the U.S. history of the geographical designation "camptown"?

Mr Garlic“Camptown” appears as the location for a horse race in the well-known song by Stephen Foster, “Camptown Races” (1850). Local—Pennsylvania—lore claims the song’s point of geographical inspiration to have been Camptown, PA, near Foster’s residence at the time of the song’s composition. The intern...

1 hour later…
@Bookworm This doesn't sound like a literature question to me; more like a history question.

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