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Before the end of the month, any takers to break the tie between Maltese literature and Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay for the Dec-Jan topic challenge?
1 hour later…
Lost literary work: a long list on Wikipedia.
re https://literature.meta.stackexchange.com/a/653/139
"What are some good (legal) resources for finding the text of books?", I wonder if I should mention babelmatrix there. It's a very mixed bag, with half of the texts out of copyright, the other half distributed without permission.
2 hours later…
@b_jonas Due to the copyrighted works, it's not a "good (legal)" resource, then.
3 hours later…
I've joined the cool kids with some deadlineless bounties. That's what the cool kids do, right?
4 hours later…
@Randal'Thor, not sure if you've seen this (you're not pingable in the Lair)
2 hours later…
This question was crossposted on Wyzant's Ask An Expert (though the answer there probably isn't ideal)

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