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@verbose Very true. Though I don't usually feel comfortable having any party control both the legislative and executive branch though, but hopefully things will get done.
@verbose Sorry, should clarify-things published in "book form", that is, published as an independent volume are usually allowed to have its own tag
@Tsundoku Why are you still awake? >:P
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Don't ask ...
4 hours later…
@Tsundoku Thanks! I had read stories about that (though not the CNN one you shared)
I got a subscription to The Atlantic for Christmas and have been using it quite a bit...
9 hours later…
Q: What does "There’s some fighting in that, if it is a history" mean here?

Ahmed SamirIn [In the Midst of Alarms][1] (1894) by Robert Barr, a man was talking about the library of Canadian rural township: “Well, the township can select the books if it likes, or it can send a committee to select them; but they didn’t think it worth the trouble and expense. People grumbled enough at...

2 hours later…
@Randal'Thor I promise I haven't forgotten about this, but there's been lots of School Things coming up and I've been busy...
Sci Fi has a topic challenge suggestion post now: scifi.meta.stackexchange.com/q/13240/4918 . Most of those topics could work on Lit too, so if you want to steal any of them, go on.
And I mean especially the suggestions posted in the future, because this is very new.
@bobble No rush, that Tumblr blog is very slow. Happy to hear you're considering it :-)
As of right now, 24.48% of our questions are unanswered, so for the first time since private beta we have 76% answered. (The Area 51 stats haven't caught up yet, but this is based on actual question counts from the site.)
3 hours later…
Surprise: a question about "in the midst of alarms" which is (a) not by Ahmed Samir and (b) not even about the Robert Barr novel!
Q: Why "in the midst of alarms" in William Cowper's poem "The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk"?

Rand al'ThorThe second quatrain of William Cowper's poem "The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk" is: O Solitude! where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face? Better dwell in the midst of alarms, Than reign in this horrible place. This poem is well known for giving rise to the common English phrase "m...

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