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here you don't have problems with people using other users' names as part of the puzzle
twice this week there have been puzzles putting words in my mouth, and it's annoying me
(sorry for off-topic ranting, just very annoyed right now)
@Randal'Thor at this point I'm nearly done, so I'm not sure it matters?
If you had posted that q about Lodge I would have answered it, but now that answer is folded into my (almost finished) answer
@Randal'Thor I'm still combing through T. S. Eliot's correspondence for some sort of connection between The Waste Land and the Spanish flu. But didn't the Pythons say, "Nobody expects the Spanish Influenza"?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr How has your editing been going?
Have you got the Carnaval hat now?
I am 8 edits away from usurping Mith :P
Carnaval hat? You mean Carmen?
Well, 8 and I'll be tied with mith, nine and I'll pass them
No, Carnaval. A secret hat for editing for six days. But I now remember that tag wiki excerpts don't count.
Well, I haven't been editing everyday eanyways :P
I have been editing on quite a number of sites, so this is what my "achievements" look like these days:
Just corrected the phrase "on the other other hand ..."
I edit on a bunch of sites too, just anonymously
Anonymously? Without logging in?
Without an account - they're attributed to Community
I see. I have never edited on sites anonymously.
3 hours later…
@Tsundoku maybe the person who wrote that really was making three points? One hand, other hand, other other hand.
2 hours later…
@verbose On SFF people usually say "on the gripping hand" in that context. It comes from some sci-fi novel:
Q: What is the origin of the phrase "on the gripping hand?"

Bill the LizardWhere does the phrase "on the gripping hand" come from and what does it mean in the context of that work, The Gripping Hand? I'll add that I just finished reading The Mote in God's Eye and this is not the origin of the phrase, as I had suspected.

@Tsundoku It's been top for a few weeks, I think, and at least equal-top for even longer. However, 6 is the highest score yet achieved by any answer on the new topic challenge suggestions thread (even the ones that previously succeeded in reaching the top and being chosen only had scores up to 5).
3 hours later…
Q: Where is "Keumgang-Gul / Diamond Cave"?

Rand al'ThorThis short poem by Ko Un is entitled, in its English translation by Sunny Jung, "Keumgang-Gul / Diamond Cave". I'm assuming that Keumgang-Gul is the original Korean title and it translates to Diamond Cave? Does this refer to a known location, or is the poet speaking more abstractly about a cave o...

Q: Announcing the February–March 2021 topic challenge: Os Lusíadas / The Lusiads

Rand al'ThorIn accordance with our meta agreement to have topic challenges and a later meta agreement to have topic challenges lasting for two months and overlapping by one month, it is time to announce the February–March 2021 topic challenge. Based on the number of votes in the proposals thread (+6), the se...

@verbose They were, but aren't there better way to express that?
4 hours ago, by Rand al'Thor
@verbose On SFF people usually say "on the gripping hand" in that context. It comes from some sci-fi novel:
"In the progression that starts “On the one hand...” and continues “On the other hand...” mainstream English may add “on the third hand...” even though most people don't have three hands. Among hackers, it is just as likely to be “on the gripping hand”. This metaphor supplied the title of Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle's 1993 SF novel “The Gripping Hand” which involved a species of hostile aliens with three arms."
@verbose Still, I'd like to find an alternative construction.
I don't get my language advice from The Jargon File.
2 hours later…
Q: book identification: the 'question mark' dance, sex and synchronicity

SilverI'm looking for a book I read sometime about 2008-2015, although the book itself is probably older. I remember one character in any detail, a woman who's a nudist but only at home (possibly just because of the weather where she lives). She has a sort of short dance she calls the 'question mark', ...

7 hours later…
Yet another rotation around the ball of fusing hydrogen
At least in UTC+3
Congratulations, fellow timezoners
I just got Carnaval but I haven't been editing every day...
@Bookworm Ah some more Ko-Un poems I have no idea what's going on ;-;
@PrinceNorthLæraðr It's not "obvious" to a Korean speaker then? There goes my hope of an easy answer.
I'm really rusty in my Korean
How good is your knowledge of Korean geography? Would you know if there was a famous place in Korea of that name?
There might be, but I'm not sure how this "diamond cave" is spelled in Korean
The transliteration back into Korean seems weird
Hm, I genuinely can't figure out how it's supposed to be spelled
This is partly because transliteration in Korean is kind of inconsistent. Sometimes the K sound is translated as "g" and other times as "k". And somethings the "g" sound is transliterated as "g", and other times as a hard "g".
Ah, @Randal'Thor I think I found your location
Geumganggul Cave is a cave located in Seoraksan National Park in Sokcho, South Korea. The cave is in the rocks of the mountain and is around 600 meters above sea level. It was once a place of worship and contains a Buddha stone. At the end of the route, hikers need to use stairs and bridges. It takes approximately two hours to travel from Sinheugsa Temple to Geumganggul Cave via Biseondae. == References... ==
Looks like you'll be getting your easy answer today
@bobble I think there have been more bugs than usual in the hat triggers this years.
I had the "sun" version of "Where in the World" but later it was removed.
Happy New Year to those who live in the CET timezone!
Goodbye 2020, I won't miss you. And welcome 2021. Please, B good. Please?
I hate Korean transliteration ~
It literally uses the same consonant "ㄱ", but they use a "k" and a "g"? Do you know how annoying that is?
Learn Standard Chinese. At least that has consistent transliteration using Pinyin :-P
shakes head angrily
Grr, it's rustling my leaves
"Sometimes rough winds do shake the darling buds of may"

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