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Q: From what book the maxim 大道無門 is

OniFrom what book the maxim is 大道無門 (だいどうむもん) by 藤沢秀行 And what does it mean?

6 hours later…
I voted to delete this answer, but my VLQ flag on it was mod-declined ("does not require mod intervention"!) before it could be handled by the community through the review queue.
Despite its acceptance, this seems like a bit of a non-answer (essentially "yeah, I think you're right"). Would anyone else be interested in delete-voting? @Christophe and others not pingable here
1 hour later…
This answer was also VTDed in the review queue as low-quality, but apparently the review was cancelled.
3 hours later…
A worldwide search is on to find blood donors with a rare genetic variation to help save a 2-year-old Florida girl battling cancer. https://abc7ne.ws/2ASo8x3
3 hours later…
@Feeds that's a new one from you
2 hours later…
@Gallifreyan Whoops. I forgot which account I was signed into again...

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