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Q: Why do peasants in 19th century Russian literature often have Greek names?

dpcWhy do peasant characters in 19th century Russian literature so often have Greek names? (e.g. "Agafon" and "Platon" in Anna Karenina).

Q: What's the name of that short story written by C.S. Lewis about female vanity?

Basper82There's a short story written by the Christian author C.S. Lewis concerning the vanity and solipsism of women, but, for the life of me, I cannot remember the name, and a Google search proved fruitless. I remember a part where she was walking around some stores, and doing some shopping or somethi...

12 hours later…
@Bookworm Good question and good answer.
4 hours later…
Q: Is there any submeaning of the term 'marines'?

Batuhan TasI've come across the term 'marines' in the book 'The Arrangement by Elia Kazan' twice; however I couldn't get what it may refer. I know it is like 'nautical' or something but it seemed different to me in the context. Need your help. Here are the two paragraphs: "You're the son of 612, aren't ...

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