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Q: The prescription in canto 10 of "Don Juan"

Gareth ReesIn canto 10 of Byron’s Don Juan, the hero “grew sick” and “showed a feverish disposition”, whereupon “his medicines [were] doubled”: But here is one prescription out of many:     “Sodæ-Sulphat. 3. vi. 3. s. Mannæ optim. “Aq. fervent. F. 3. iſs. 3ij. tinct. Sennæ     “Haustus.” (And here the surg...

Q: Who were Lambert and Edson, mentioned in "White-Jacket" as examples of fat and lean men?

troppapolvereIn chapter 1 of White-Jacket, Herman Melville mentions "Lambert and Edson" (no first names) as examples of fat and lean men. Me? Ah me! Soaked and heavy, what a burden was that jacket to carry about, especially when I was sent up aloft; dragging myself up step by step, as if I were weighing the ...

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