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@Mithical And what's the Hebrew word for sonnet? Inquiring minds wanna know
I'm told it's סוֹנֶטָה but I'm prolly reading that backward
13 hours later…
Q: "Devastate" in "Wuthering Heights"

MT MTESKIn chapter 32 of Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Mr.Lockwood went back to Wuthering Heights again: 1802.—This September I was invited to devastate the moors of a friend in the north, and on my journey to his abode, I unexpectedly came within fifteen miles of Gimmerton. The ostler at a roadsid...

4 hours later…
@PeterShor oh nice! I had not read anything by Doyle before
@verbose Neither had I. I googled "backward sonnet" because I knew that Baudelaire had written some, and I found several, of which this was the best.
@PeterShor Thank you for sharing it!
/me rushes off to google 'backward sonnet'
@verbose Baudelaire's inverted sonnet is here. Paul Verlaine wrote several, and some critics believe that this inversion is Verlaine's signal that these sonnets deal with "inverted sexuality" (i.e., gay or lesbian themes). Other critics think this is nonsense.
@PeterShor I used to inflict Brooke's Sonnet Reversed on my students back when I taught freshman English
That was a very long time ago. Not only do I no longer teach freshman English, there aren't freshmen any more, just first-year students. Both of those are good changes.
@PeterShor I mean, "Bien loin d'ici" does suggest that Baudelaire was a friend of Dorothée's
Oh my, this made me laugh:
> In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Naval Investigative Service (NIS), the predecessor to the modern-day Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) was investigating homosexuality in the Chicago area. Agents discovered that gay men sometimes referred to themselves as "friends of Dorothy".
> Unaware of the historical meaning of the term, the NIS believed that there actually was a woman named Dorothy at the center of a massive ring of homosexual military personnel, so they launched an enormous and futile hunt for the elusive "Dorothy", hoping to find her and convince her to reveal the names of gay service members.
1 hour later…
Q: Were Shakespeare's the first English love sonnets addressed to a man?

verboseAs has been noted elsewhere on this site, Shakespeare was not the first English poet to: Write sonnets Write Shakespearean sonnets Write a sonnet sequence Write a sonnet sequence with Petrarchan themes. That said, Shakespeare's sequence is somewhat unusual in including several love sonnets addr...

@PeterShor The above question ⬆️ is a direct result of the discussion of inverted sonnets you started
1 hour later…
Q: Who is Paquin and the green casque in Ezra Pound – Canto LXXXI?

wavIn Canto LXXXI by Ezra Pound, who is Paquin and what is meant by the green casque? Pull down thy vanity,                                     Paquin pull down! The green casque has outdone your elegance. I just found that Anna Paquin was a fashion designer, is she related to this poem?

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