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@verbose "song, n. 2.a. a poem, esp. one in rhymed stanzas, resembling a song. sonnet, n. 3. Any short poem or piece of verse; (in early use) esp. a lyrical love poem." (OED)
2 hours later…
In Hebrew, it's the same word (shira) for both songs and poems
1 hour later…
@GarethRees recursion: see recursion
@ClaraDíazSanchez See also
6 hours later…
"I made several stupid mistakes which I wish could be amended: for instance, when I composed the story of Odysseus’s escape from Polyphemus, I put a rudder at the prow of his ship as well as at the stern. And I have since discovered that one cannot cut seasoned timber from a growing tree as Odysseus does in Ogygia, and that hawks do not eat their prey on the wing, even in prodigies, and that it takes more than two or three men to hang a dozen women simultaneously from the same rope."
(From Homer's Daughter by Robert Graves.)
@AncientSwordRage See also

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