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Jan 3 at 6:31, by verbose
I keep getting Hesiod's Theogony mixed up with Boccaccio's Genealogy of the Gentile Gods
Also Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities and Orwell's Down and Out in Paris and London. With each other, I mean, not with the first pair.
As in, I can never remember which is which
19 hours later…
Q: Looking for short story about a young woman irresistibly lured out of her house to her death

ArkaaitoA young woman spots and is spotted by a strange man while out and about in town. Later, the man comes to her house insisting they have a date. She mistrusts him and realizes that something terrible will happen to her if she goes out to him; he threatens her family and she resists, but in the en...

1 hour later…
Q: Meaning of "material," "Sunningdale," and "Ladies in Waiting" in Hollinghurst's Our Evenings

verbosePart of Alan Hollinghurst's Our Evenings is set in a small English town during the 1960s. The narrator's mother, a dressmaker, has just returned from showing a customer some samples. She is describing the interior of the customer's house: "Oh, it's nice, you know — very comfortable, anyway. I ca...

@Randal'Thor The best books of 2024 question is no longer featured, if you wanna feature the re-read one.

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