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3 hours later…
Q: What was William Carlos Williams “plagiarising” in Spring and All XIII

ZayaIn Chapter XIII, it says: In the imagination, flying above the wreck of ten thousand million souls, I see you departing sadly for the land of plants and insects, already far out to sea. (Thank you, I know well what I am plagiarising) Your great wings flap as you disappear in the distance over th...

4 hours later…
Q: Children's non-fiction book: invention of toothbrush, zippers, bubble gum, paperclip, spoonerisms, Nostradamus, Otis elevators, reincarnation

napkweenI’m trying to find a book from my childhood. I was born in 1993 and the book was already quite old, so maybe it was released in the 1980's, perhaps late 70's The paper was newspaper consistency and had comic style black and white, cartoony illustrations. The pages were very yellowed, almost brown...

Q: In Sabbath's Theatre, can we confirm that Mickey Sabbath is not a murderer?

Matt ThrowerMajor spoilers for the plot of Sabbath's Theatre follow. Mickey Sabbath, the protagonist of Roth's novel Sabbath's Theatre, is a vile human being who seems totally unable to resist his basest instincts. Through the course of the book, he commits a number of perverted sexual acts and comes across ...

4 hours later…
"I was born in 1993 and the book was already quite old, so maybe it was released in the 1980's, perhaps late 70's." "quite old". Those young people ...
Q: Is the white man at the other side of the Joliba river a historically identifiable person?

TsundokuMaryse Condé's novel Ségou: les murailles de terre (translated into English as Segu) contains both fictional characters (presumably the entire Traoré family) and historical characters. Some of the historical characters are easily identifiable, whereas others aren't. For example, in the first chap...

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