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Of course, the fact that The Facts of Life was partially autobiographical gives a new possible answer to my question—maybe the sisters stopped speaking to each other because something like that happened in real life.
8 hours later…
@PeterShor Does he also have half a dozen grandfathers, like Milton Jones? ;-)
4 hours later…
@PeterShor Would you be interested in writing a one-minute review of it?
1 hour later…
For those who don't get the grandfathers question: Milton Jones is an English comedian who sometimes tells jokes about family members and then follows up with "My other grandfather ..." multiple times.
> About a month before my grandfather died, we covered his back with lard. After that he went downhill very quickly.
> My other grandfather invented the cold air balloon but it never really took off.
> My other grandfather was a peeping tom. He used to drill holes in the floor and spy on the people in the flat below. He died recently, but I like thinking about him up there somewhere, looking down on us.
1 hour later…
@Tsundoku I usually meet that in jokes about the employee who asks for payed time off because his grandfather died.
comparison in progress
3 hours later…
@Randal'Thor Maybe when I have more time (probably not for a while).
5 hours later…
I'm also still eagerly awaiting @verbose's one-minute review of Ogborn & Buckroyd's Satire...
@CowperKettle Is the last line of that poem in Chinese 草泥马 (grass mud horse)? That was a Chinese internet meme that came up in 2009.

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