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3:37 AM
@Bookworm this feels like it should be a duplicate of the older post, since we don't want people to continuously ask the same question. I'm willing to volunteer to bounty the older question.
5 hours later…
8:17 AM
@bobble Or, since the answerer is still active, we can just ping @Mithical to do some updates :-)
8:56 AM
Remind me in October. :)
Q: Story about a pig(?) going to the jungle and needing to defeat a clan of tigers

N WrightI have a recollection of this story from my childhood (we're talking 30-35 odd years ago here). I'm fairly sure the main character was a pig (or some other similar harmless farmyard animal). He becomes lost, (possibly running away from home), and ends up in a jungle, where the other animals are l...

3 hours later…
12:05 PM
Q: Two sisters live alone in a house after the rest of their family died

Sean DugganI read this in the mid-90s while in Ashland, KY, from a shelf of books in our house that was largely occupied by books my parents had owned before us kids, so there's a good chance that the book is older than the 1980s. The two main characters are two sisters, living alone in the family home. The...

7 hours later…

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