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@Bookworm White man on the other side of the HNQ.
11 hours later…
@Bookworm This seems an interesting question and I don't know why the OP deleted it (perhaps because they figured out the answer). There's one undelete vote on it already; would anyone like to cast more?
3 hours later…
@Randal'Thor unpoof
@bobble foop?
9 hours later…
Q: How do I read all of Rick Riordan’s books in Chronological order?

user23102I know there’s already one for this, and it’s this link (In what order should Rick Riordan's mythological series be read to make the most sense, and what is the chronological order?) I think, but this is from 2 years and 11 months ago, and I was wondering how I would read them as of September 202...

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