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3:30 AM
full answer or NAA comment?
A: Do I need to read the Redwall books in any specific order?

EricaI would like to Say, Eulalia! Is about the Badger Sunflash The Mace, later known by the more peacable name, Sunstripe. I will point out that in this book, His Grandfather Boar the Fighter, and Great Great Grandfather, Lord Brocktree both come to him in a dream telling him he must take up his birt...

4 hours later…
7:23 AM
@Bookworm What is the English word for tableau in the context of HNQ?
3 hours later…
10:43 AM
@Bookworm The person who posted this question has deleted their account. They wrote a comment around two hours before the account was deleted.
@bobble NAA in my opinion.
4 hours later…
3:00 PM
Q: Aramaic secular literature

Daniel CastroConsidering that Aramaic has been continuously spoken for around 3000 years, and it only became an endangered language only a few decades ago, I wonder if there is an Aramaic literature (from whichever dialect and period) with a corpus of chief works not necessarily religion-inspired*. For instan...

5 hours later…
8:21 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a study partner to read and discuss the book "An Introduction to Optimization" by Edwin K. P. Chong and Stanislaw H. Żak. I believe having someone to discuss the concepts and problems with would enhance the learning experience and help us both understand the material more deeply.

We can use platforms like Google Meet, Zoom, Discord, or any other preferred method for our sessions. If you're interested, please send me a message so we can discuss further and set up our first session!
8:34 PM
That sounds like a math-intensive book. Have you tried the Mathematics Stack Exchange chat room?
1 hour later…
9:47 PM
@Bookworm When you look for "Aramaic literature" online, everything you find looks religious.

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