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3:27 AM
Q: Are there any notes on the plot of Netochka Nezvanova?

Steven CreechI just finished reading Fyodor Dostoevsky’s work Netochka Nezvanova, and I am left a bit sad that it is over. Primarily since I want to know how the book ends, I am aware that Dostoevsky never finished this work (after all he was exiled to Siberia for five years), but I want to know how the story...

10 hours later…
1:11 PM
Q: Why isn’t the poem “Memory”, by Christina Rossetti, considered to be strong evidence that she was lesbian?

Peter ShorToday, Christina Rossetti is widely thought to have had lesbian inclinations, although there is no evidence that she acted on them. The poem Memory, by Christina Rossetti, has two parts. The first part was written in 1857, when Rossetti was 19. The second part was written eight years later. This ...

1:53 PM
@Bookworm Evidence that critics are sheeple (although let me emphasize that this doesn't apply to all critics).

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