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@Tsundoku 😱
4 hours later…
Unlikely relatives: Roddy Doyle and Arthur Conan; Alphonsus Josephus de Ridder and Jacques Derrida.
@Tsundoku if only there were some website where you could ask
Q: Class dynamics in Elsschot's Cheese

verboseIn Willem Elsschot's Cheese, the protagonist Frans Laarmans is happy in his job as a shipping clerk, but is enticed to take on a more prestigious and potentially more lucrative role as a businessman dealing in imported cheese. He seems motivated more by a desire to fit in with the circle of wealt...

2 hours later…
@verbose Maybe one of the sites listed here?
2 hours later…
@verbose After reading Elsschot's collected works, it turns out that the answer for Boorman would be different from the answer for Laarmans.
Q: Is the character named Boorman supposed to be the same person across Elsschot's œuvre?

TsundokuIn analogy with the question Is the character named Laarmans supposed to be the same person across Elsschot's œuvre?, it is also possible to ask whether Boorman is the same character in the novels in which he makes an appearance. In Lijmen/Het Been (Soft Soap/The Leg), Boorman is the publisher of...

1 hour later…
Q: Parallels between Michael Malone's novel "Handling Sin" and Cervantes' novel "Don Quixote"

Peter ShorHandling Sin is a hilarious novel by Michael Malone, where the protagonist makes an epic journey across the American South, chasing his father, who has discharged himself from the hospital and taken off for parts unknown. In an interview, in January magazine (2002), Michael Malone says Handling ...

@Bookworm As I completed reading Quixote a few weeks ago, I should be in a good position to answer this. The problem is, I haven't read Handling Sin though :(
@ClaraDíazSanchez Whereas I've read Handling Sin (twice!), but don't know that much about Don Quixote.
@PeterShor So we complement each other (without necessarily complimenting each other ;)
2 hours later…
"Meanwhile in Belgium: Error 404: Summer not found. Summer is not available in your country." (From a newsletter I received this week.)
We used to have a feed for new Meta questions. Was this disabled at some point? I can't find any posts from it from the last few months.
This is the most recent post from the "Librarian" feed that I could find:
Oct 4, 2023 at 17:05, by Librarian
Q: Announcing the October–November 2023 topic challenge: Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay

Rand al'ThorIn accordance with our meta agreement to have topic challenges and a later meta agreement to have topic challenges lasting for two months and overlapping by one month, it is (long past) time to announce the October–November 2023 topic challenge. Based on the number of votes (+6/-0), the next topi...

I don't know whether the new topic challenge suggestion feed is still working, but here is the most recent feed item for new suggestions that I could find:
Mar 25 at 6:58, by New Topic Challenge Suggestion
A: New Literature SE Topic Challenge Suggestions Thread

verboseThe Literature of the Harlem Renaissance The great efflorescence of African-American culture known as the Harlem Renaissance occurred roughly a century ago. In music, painting, photography, theater, and literature, the artists and writers associated with the movement sought to depict the lived ex...

In other news: there is now only one topic challenge suggestion from me that has not been chosen yet: Sequels to or retellings of Robinson Crusoe. (I still think it's a good one because it cuts across cultures. Or at least a few cultures.)
2 hours later…
Does one of our mods know anything about the issues with the feeds?
@Tsundoku It's possibly Cloudflare. I'd recommend posting a bug report.
@Bookworm Boorman is soft-soaping the HNQ now.

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