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I just came across this HNQ post with a very long and well-written answer. Who else could be so @verbose? ;-)
@Randal'Thor whom, I?
That's a neat reversal of "who, me?"
Speaking of teaching CS, here's how I torture my "Programming for Poets" students:
The poor children are barely getting their feet wet in this whole enterprise and I shove them into (what is for them) the deep end.
8 hours later…
The Coffee Bard Bookshelf has been refurbished, apparently.
2 hours later…
@verbose I need to enter an e-mail address (or pay with something else) to read that article, but there is also The Folger's Grand Reopening on the Folger's own website.
@Tsundoku Wow that's annoying. Apparently one can't read articles on the WaPo website any more without providing an email address?!
1 hour later…
@verbose It's not as bad as it used to be. Three years ago, The Washington Post basically blocked access from the European Union.
@Tsundoku say what
Jan 22, 2021 at 10:37, by Tsundoku
I can't access The Washington Post without paying (since GDPR, I believe). Which is why I have been ignoring it for a few years now.
I may have misremembered about the Washington Post. But I know there were American newspaper sites that completely blocked me after the EU's General Data Protection Regulation came into force.
I have just found out I own two copies of Understanding Poetry by Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren. Two copies of the third edition, that is. If it have been two different editions, I would understand. Sigh.
Maybe one is autographed by Brooks and the other by Penn Warren?
Ha, I wish!
I also have two copies of two copies of The Merchant of Venice in the New Penguin Shakespeare series. Those aren't autographed either. I checked.

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