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Q: What does "The telephone had never been a bother to her. It gave her no sense of urgency." mean?

Silent SojournerFrom John Le Carre's Smiley's People: “How are you?” she asked. “Very well, thank you. How are you? What can I do for you?” “I meant it,” Ann insisted. “How are you? I want to know.” “And I told you I was well.” “I rang you this morning. Why didn’t you answer?” “I was out.” Long silence while sh...

1 hour later…
Q: What does "those mythical relations started needing her to cure their mythical ailments in far-off places" mean?

Silent SojournerFrom John Le Carre's Smiley's People: To forget the hurts, the list of lovers; to forget Bill Haydon, the Circus traitor, whose shadow still fell across her face each time he reached for her, whose memory he carried in him like a constant pain. Bill his friend, Bill the flower of their generatio...

8 hours later…
Q: Reading aid to Paul Auster's '4 3 2 1'

GiskardI am reading Paul Auster's '4 3 2 1', a novel that tells the life of a man in four variations (like a multiverse without interactions, or the movie Mr. Nobody). The first/zeroth chapter is the same, hence the family members he knows as a child are the same, but as the plots advance, differences a...

ooh, college admissions, nice!

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