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@Bookworm Gas has poisoned the HNQ list.
@Bookworm This was HNQ in March.
@Bookworm This was also HNQ in March.
@Bookworm Another forgotten HNQ from March.
@Bookworm All quiet in the HNQ front (this was also in March).
@Bookworm A bad eye touched the HNQ in March.
@Bookworm Half-smother'd by HNQ pressure (also in March).
Sorry for spamming the room, but I like to record all the HNQs; at some point we might try to do some analysis and figure out how many HNQs we get per month. I've gone through March now; will continue month by month at some point.
Found a lot of nice stuff to upvote too :-) I guess I wasn't around much in March due to a lot of travelling.

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