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Q: What former rulers of the region were mentioned by Gomez in *The Addams Family* (1965) by Jack Sharkey?

M. A. GoldingWhat former rulers of the region were mentioned by Gomez in The Addams Family (1965) by Jack Sharkey? I don't remember whether there was any location given for the Addams Family mansion in the series The Addams Family (1964-1966).' As I remember, Jack Sharkey's book of Addams Family stories, The ...

Q: What was the location of Hill House in The Haunting of Hill House (1959) by Shirley Jackson?

M. A. GoldingWhat was the location of Hill House in The Haunting of Hill House (1959) by Shirley Jackson? The movie adaptation The Haunting (1963) claims that Hill House was built in the most remote region of New England in the 1870s. The movie adaptation The Haunting (1999) claims that Hill House was built i...

Q: A Supernatural or Horror Novel set in a Vast Mansion

M. A. GoldingI looked at a paperback copy of this novel in a supermarket in about the 1980s. The title may have been The Lodge, or something similar. There may have been a group of supernatural investigators investigating a gigantic haunted mansion, as in The Haunting of Hill House or in Rose Red. I remember ...

Q: Who are the '12 children of Aiolos Hippotadês', as introduced in Book 10, The Grace of the Witch, of Homer's Odyssey?

Abhiraj MallangiBelow is an excerpt of Book 10, The Grace of the Witch, of Homer's Odyssey We made our landfall on Aiolia Island, domain of the Aiolos Hippotadês, the wind king dear to the gods who never die- an isle adrift upon the sea, ringed round with brazen ramparts on a sheer cliffside. Twelve children ha...

10 hours later…
Q: Where does this Dostoevsky quote come from?

Steven CreechI had read Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning, and he referenced the following quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky: "There is only one thing I dread: not to be worthy of my suffering." I wanted to find the initial source of this quote if it was from a novel of his, or if it was just something he h...

The person who thinks that sex with a sleeping women is consensual had returned...
2 hours later…
@Bookworm Relation to HNQ.
@Bookworm Starving HNQ who stays forever hot.
@Bookworm 12 children of HNQ.
@Mithical What do you think re the next topic challenge? You announced the Sep-Oct one towards the end of Aug, but now it's already the beginning of Oct: should we announce the next one as being for Oct-Nov or Nov-Dec?
Early enough to do Oct I think
@ClaraDiazSanchez No longer ;-) Congrats on 8k!
@Mithical Done, I think.
Q: Announcing the October–November 2023 topic challenge: Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay

Rand al'ThorIn accordance with our meta agreement to have topic challenges and a later meta agreement to have topic challenges lasting for two months and overlapping by one month, it is (long past) time to announce the October–November 2023 topic challenge. Based on the number of votes (+6/-0), the next topi...

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