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Jun 16, 2023 at 14:59, by Martin Sleziak
Q: Are the following two characterisations of symplectic modules, using the language of form rings, the same?

wladPage 205 of the book Classical Groups and Algebraic K-Theory defines a symplectic module to be an arbitrary quadratic module $(M,h,q)$ over a form ring $(R,\Lambda)$ with $(J,\varepsilon)$ where $J=\operatorname{id}_R$, $\varepsilon=-1$ and $\Lambda=R$. In particular, this implies that $R$ is com...

THe tag no longer exists - probably removed by the tag-pruning script: mathoverflow.net/posts/448993/revisions
Q: Are the following two characterisations of symplectic modules, using the language of form rings, the same?

wladPage 205 of the book Classical Groups and Algebraic K-Theory defines a symplectic module to be an arbitrary quadratic module $(M,h,q)$ over a form ring $(R,\Lambda)$ with $(J,\varepsilon)$ where $J=\operatorname{id}_R$, $\varepsilon=-1$ and $\Lambda=R$. In particular, this implies that $R$ is com...

12 hours later…
Q: What is the fundamental solution for the backward heat equation?

AndrewAccording to the theorem of Malgrange and Ehrenpreis a fundamental solution exists for any PDE with constant coefficients. But I didn't manage to find in the literature an explicit formula for the backward heat equation $u_t+\Delta u=0$. So what is the formula or does the fundamental solution e...

5 hours later…
Two new tags and . The intention was probably to use the tag .
Q: Ramanujan-like series for $1/\pi^m$ and Dirichlet L-values

Jesús GuilleraA rational Ramanujan-like series for $\pi^{-m}$ and character $\chi$ is a series with rational parameters which is of the following form: $$ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \left(\prod_{i=0}^{2m} \frac{(s_i )_{n+x}}{(1)_{n+x}} \right) \sum_{k=0}^{m} a_k (n+x)^k z_0^{n+x} = \frac{\sqrt{(-1)^m \chi}}{\pi^m}....

I have edited the tags on that question.
Q: Ramanujan-like series for $1/\pi^m$ and Dirichlet L-values

Jesús GuilleraA rational Ramanujan-like series for $\pi^{-m}$ and character $\chi$ is a series with rational parameters which is of the following form: $$ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \left(\prod_{i=0}^{2m} \frac{(s_i )_{n+x}}{(1)_{n+x}} \right) \sum_{k=0}^{m} a_k (n+x)^k z_0^{n+x} = \frac{\sqrt{(-1)^m \chi}}{\pi^m}....

5 hours later…
And now a top-level tag was added, too:
Q: Ramanujan-like series for $1/\pi^m$ and Dirichlet L-values

Jesús GuilleraA rational Ramanujan-like series for $\pi^{-m}$ and character $\chi$ is a series with rational parameters which is of the following form: $$ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \left(\prod_{i=0}^{2m} \frac{(s_i )_{n+x}}{(1)_{n+x}} \right) \sum_{k=0}^{m} a_k (n+x)^k z_0^{n+x} = \frac{\sqrt{(-1)^m \chi}}{\pi^m}....

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