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Q: Could MO use a minus sign for negative numbers?

LSpiceI just noticed that negative vote totals are recorded with a hyphen: In general within the StackExchange network it's probably not worth fussing over, but, here on MO, maybe we could use a minus sign (that is, "−1 votes", as opposed to "-1 votes"). Is this something that is within the power of ...

@LSpice I would say that might be a suitable tag for your recent question: Could MO use a minus sign for negative numbers?
Some other meta sites have a tag called - but such tags is not available here on MO.meta (so far).
There are tags , and ; but I am not sure that they really fit here. (It is about buttons used for voting, not about votes per-se.)
6 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Thank you for the suggestion. I have done so.
3 hours later…
Q: Could MO use a minus sign for negative numbers?

LSpiceI just noticed that negative vote totals are recorded with a hyphen: In general within the StackExchange network it's probably not worth fussing over, but, here on MO, maybe we could use a minus sign (that is, "−1 votes", as opposed to "-1 votes"). Is this something that is within the power of ...

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